Loki - Wait

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It had been almost four months since you'd last seen Loki

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It had been almost four months since you'd last seen Loki. Of course, after he and Thor went back to Asgard, you didn't see him for months. You were the only person, other than Thor or Frigga, that actually cared for Loki. Everyone else may have seen him as a villain, but you learned to see him as a tortured soul, someone who needed a real friend who would always stand by them. You were his world.

"Miss (Y/N), darling, could you please bring me some water?" Loki asked politely.

"Sure," you walked off in the direction of the kitchen. You had been Loki's guardian for almost three months, and he still hadn't apologised for anything he had done to New York. As a sly smirk spread across your face, you opened the freezer and dropped some ice into a glass.

You smiled to yourself, "He can wait."

You walked back to his cage, and slid through a small door to hand Loki his water. Your hands covered the glass, making sure he didn't notice it was ice until you were face to face.

His tall figure towered over yours, his bright, unnatural blue eyes locked onto your (your eye colour) ones. You'd gotten over the intimidation of his overall being after the first week that you'd managed to set foot inside his cage. That day you realised that he wasn't a savage animal, but a poor, unfortunate soul with a heart of gold.

"Hello my dear," he said in that smooth, deep voice of his.

"Hi Loki."

"Can I have that water or am I just going to have to wait?"

"Oh, I think you're going to be waiting anyway," you smirked playfully handing him the glass.

"I hate you," he smiled, taking the glass anyway. You watched as the tips of his fingers then turned blue, slowly spreading to the rest of his body,

"What's happening?" You asked, frightened, as you took a step back.

"You're afraid, aren't you?"

You didn't respond.

"Is this what you were talking about when you told me about what happened with your dad?" You finally managed to speak.

"Y-yes," Loki lowered his head in shame, "And I understand if you're frightened, because I am."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm scared I might lose you."

"Loki, that's not going to happen. Not now, not ever," you reassured him, wrapping your arms around his torso in a warm hug. He watched in awe as the blue disappeared, turning his skin back to its usual colour. He hugged you back tightly before pulling away.

"Thank you," he smiled.

"Any time."

You moved to step out of the cage, but was pulled back by Loki. He spun you around to face him before planting a kiss on your lips. Quickly pulling away, you couldn't help but smile uncontrollably.

"I'm so sorry," he face-palmed, not knowing what you were going to say.

"What for?"

"You mean, y-you didn't mind?"

"Of course not."

Without thinking twice, Loki spoke. "I love you."

Completely taken aback by his proclamation, you stared at him for a few seconds trying to figure out whether he was being genuine or not. Finally, you could tell him how you really felt.

"I love you too."

For a moment, his eyes turned into his natural green, but were then replaced by the same blue you had gotten used to over the past few months.

"Then promise me you'll wait. If something happens to me, and I have to go away, perhaps to Asgard, promise me you won't forget. That you'll wait for me to come back, because I will."

"I promise," you smiled, squeezing him into another one of your bear hugs.

And that's how you got to where you were today. Thor had taken Loki back to Asgard where he would be punished for his crimes on Earth, and you feared you'd never see him again, but you never forgot what he told you.

"Wait for me to come back, because I will."

You believed every single word of it.


How was my third Loki imagine? There will be a part two, from Loki's perspective.
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