Mine - Robert Lewandowski

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For my mother-in-law hoe, Logan (bastischweinsteiger)

You were best friends with Thomas Müller. You had been since you were little. He had got you your job at Bayern Munich when you finished University in 2012. He had been the reason you had met your boyfriend of almost a year, Robert Lewandowski. He had practically set you two up by locking you two in a supply closet alone.

"Logan, babe, hurry up." Robert groaned from the front door. You rolled your eyes and finished pulling your hair back.

"Sorry you hogged the bathroom, again." You laughed jogging down the stairs to the door. Robert looked down at you and smirked.

"I offered for you to join me." He smirked holding your waist. You had an effect on each other where you couldn't control yourselves around each other at times. Now was one of those times.

"I love you." You mumbled as Robert kissed you strongly but passionately. He soon had you picked up in his arms.

"I love you too." Robert growled as he kissed you. You carefully broke it off and pointed at the Bayern Badge on his training jacket. "Do we have to go?" Robert whined placing you back on the floor.

"Yes. I'm sorry, Robbie but it's boh of our job." You smirked knowing you had annoyed him with the nickname Thomas gave him.

"I hate you." Robert said walking towards his car. You didn't argue which car you took. His car was miles better than your crappy fiat which you had left at your apartment.

"I know you do." You giggled as Robert opened the door for you and helped you into the car. He quickly drove down to the training grounds where you quickly caught up with Thomas.

"Logan! Robbie!" Thomas shouted hugging you. You hugged him back after letting go of Robert's hand. Thomas hugged you tightly making Robert a little jealous. He understood that Thomas was your best friend and you were always going to hug him but he didn't like how Thomas was hugging you.

"Babe, maybe we should go." Robert said taking your hand. You looked at him and nodded before he entwined your hand with his, pulling you closer to him.

"I love you." You smiled at Robert as he stopped at your office door. The guys knew if this happened things had happened the night before, hence why it never happened the day before the game.

"I love you too." Robert said kissing you gently. You stood on your tip toes and wrapped your arms around Robert's neck. Robert began to walk off towards the changing rooms as you sat in the chair at your desk.

"Hey Logan!" Thomas smiled at you. You smiled back and waved feeling a little sick. Scrap that you felt very sick. You had been for the last few mornings but you just dismissed it.

"You alright? You look a little sick." Thomas said with a little fear in his face. You nodded and looked at your computer in attempt to get some paperwork done but Thomas was still at he door.

"Logan. Speak to me." Thomas said walking up to your desk. You looked at him and forced a smile. You were going to be sick but you didn't want to be sick in front of Thomas.

"I'm fine Thomas. Just stop." You said firmly. You managed to keep your breakfast down for a little bit longer but not much longer. You quickly spun around in your chair and reached for the bin.

"Hey, It's alright. Get it all out." Thomas said rubbing your back. Neither of you knew Robert was looking for Thomas but that was the least of your worries.

"I'm alright. I'm alright." You reassured Thomas. It had been the same for a few days. You were sick around 10am the fine for the rest of the day.

"No. You need to go home. You're sick. Does Robert know?" Thomas asked. You shook your head voilently and covered your mouth. You wasn't sick this time but you felt it. Thomas hugged you and rubbed your back as Robert walked past.

"Excuse me but what the fuck is going on in here?" Robert asked. Annoyed. You moved away from Thomas and looked at Robert then the bin.

"Thomas was comforting me." You squeaked weakly. Robert looked between you and Thomas with anger in his eyes. "I've just been sick Robert." You squeaked again looking up at him.

"I didn't want to take her from you. That would be weird. She's practically my sister." Thomas defended himself. You looked at Robert and then at Thomas. They were glaring at each other.

"Wait. You were sick again." Robert said breaking his glare from Thomas. You nodded and looked up at Robert. He smiled a little before looking up and glaring at Thomas. "Don't you dare look at my girlfriend like that. She's my Księżniczka (Princess)" Robert growled protectively. You buried your face into his chest and let him protect you.

"I WASN'T TRYING TO TAKE HER! SHE'S PROBABLY PREGNANT WITH YOUR KID! WHY WOULD I DO THAT TO MY TEAMMATE!?" Thomas shouted looking Robert straight in the eye. You looked between them and then at your stomach.

"Stay away from her then." Robert hissed looking at you then your stomach. He had noticed you had put on weight but he ignored that because he didn't care for your weight.

"I love you." Robert mumbled watching Thomas leave the room. He shut the door behind him and clearly locked it. "Should we make sure you're definitely pregnant." Robert smirked picking you up and placing you on the examination table.

"Definitely." You smiled wrapping your arms around Robert's neck again.


Whoo 2 in around an hour! I'm proud of myself! I think this is my second longest one shot so far as well. Anyway! I hope you like it, Logan! I kinda went off course but I kinda made up for it by letting your imagination do some work. 😉

Any Requests since (as of 11/7/16) I only have one request left?

Lauren xxx

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