Shadow Lava Pond Pt.1

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"Ok, so where are we going" Laurence curiously asks
"Well, since you have a divine warrior smell on you we have to dip you in lava. It will get rid of the divine warrior stench. I also called my friend Jasmine to help us. She can smell which divine warrior you were connected to, and that comes in factor to how long we must leave you in the lava." Gene says pushing laurence out of the house.
"Wait!" Laurence says stopping."Won't I die in Lava?"
"Thats the cool think about shadow knights since we are reborn from the nether, Lava wont kill us. It just makes us really itchy if you stay in it for too long."
*Jasmine knocks on the door*
" *Gasp* she's here already?!? I didnt even get to clean my house!!" Gene screams throwing pillows on his couch. He walks up to the door and takes a deep breath. He opens the door
" What's up Gene? Why did you call me here?" Jasmine asks
"O-o-oh i-i-i-i c-called-d *ahem* i called you here because my friend Laurence just recently answered his calling."
"Oh that's great! I'm positive the King will enjoy one more shadow knight!" Jasmine squeals
"But. Laurence has been in contact with a divine warriors bloodline. And i need you to tell me which one so i can know how long to drop him in the Lava."
"Oh. Ok!"Jasmine squeals
"I swear Jasmine you are too nice and bright for this place." Gene says leting her in his house.
" Look just because we are in the Nether doesnt mean i have to be all mean and sly like you Gene. Some of us are actually happy to be here!" Jasmine says examining Laurence.
"Whatever you say, sunshine."
~Laurence's P.O.V~
Jasmine starts to blush at Gene's nicname. She looks at my right hand. And traces the lines.
"OH MY GOSH! *ahem*Ok, so you have actually come in contact with 3 direct bloodline divine warriors." The first was Lady Irene, Enki the keeper and third one I can't identify." Jasmine gets up off the floor.
"Thanks Jasmine" I say looking up at her.
"Anything for Gene." Jasmine looks at him and he's blushing insanly
"Welp i better be on my way." She goes up to Gene and hugs him and whispers something in his ear. Or kisses him. I could'nt tell.
"Alright laurence you have to stay in the lava for 30 mins to fully get rid of all 3 divine warriors on you. Lets go"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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