Chapter 4

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"Hey Jackie" I said awkwardly

"Really? Why did you leave me there to clean up your mess on Friday, huh? I had to sit there and answer questions like, why you were sitting there gazing at mr Wilson. What did you expect me to say!" She began to shout as people started to stare.

"What are you....?" She interrupted me and continued.

"I always have to clean up your mess, like in sixth grade when you decided to ditch school with Mike and I had to convince your mom that I was a good friend and that I didn't drag you into being such a bad girl!."

I was hoping she wouldn't carry on and say something she shouldn't but she wouldn't stop.

"Can we just talk about this somewhere else." I said as I saw people crowding around us."

"No, I think I need to say this" she said throwing daggers at me with her eyes.

I knew exactly what she was going to say but she couldn't and she wasn't going to, not in front of all these people.

"You know what you did in 8th grade and that time I had to pick up all the pieces..... One... by" she shouted as I started to hear the lump form in her throat.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I screamed

"You made me lie to every single one of those people that asked me what happened between you and mr...." I slapped my hand on her mouth trying to stop her from talking.

I dragged her across the room and looked her in the eye which brought tears to my eyes.

" I didn't know, I didn't know that you felt that way and you know that I was in a tough situation!" I whispered with anger in my voice but hot tears running down my face.

"You never know and you know why " she paused. " because you are always running after boys, boy,boys you little piece of.." she slapped her hand on her mouth, not believing what she had just said after trying to release herself from my grip.

"I'm sorry and you know I love you!, but why would you hurt me so bad, always trying to change me?"

She stood there with tears running down her face. I didn't know what to do because we hadn't had such a fight before. I let go of her and let her fall on the floor and turned around and to my surprise I found eyes staring back at me


I stared into he's eyes for a split second then shoved him out if the way. I didn't mean to push him so hard but I couldn't help it. I squeezed myself through the crowd that had formed during our fight which I didn't notice.

I heard someone say something under their breadth but I ignored it.

I heard them... Again... His footprints...why. Why did he always have to be there when I was at my worst. He was running faster and faster.... Until he grabbed my arm and squeezed it tight, and tighter and tighter. He grabbed my hair and pulled me to face her.....

But it was her, not him. It was.....Britney Heights....and her gang walking towards us.

"Ouch!!!!!! " I screamed as I released myself from her grip.

"What do you want!"

"I want you to leave my man alone!"she screamed

"What man?" I smirked as I released myself from her grip.

"I'm not scared to tell everyone about who the real person was who...." she smirked

I covered her mouth with my palm.

"You wouldn't" I cried

"I damn would" she said giving me a smirk. She stared into my eyes, probably sending daggers into my face mentally. Why did she want so much of mine. Was she jealous or just evil.

She was just UGLY..... Inside and out.

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