Confusion(louis fanfic)

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Chapter 1

Christine POV

It's another year of high school. Everyone's obsessing over celebrities, accessories, boys.........

I'm Christine and I'm not like most girls in rosewood high.

I don't like dating here because when ever I do... They just get taken by rosewood 'blondes' with their perfect looks, one inch skirts and money talks which always go something like this-

"Hey you should totally date me instead of Christine because my dad is a billionaire and he is so rich.......he could also get you into that collage you wanted to go to"(blah blah blah)

Then they go running to her........I get left on my own........and they end up learning that it was all trash talk.


So first day of school,walk up the stairs and get to my new class. All the boys stare. (Oh did I mention that I'm the prettiest girl in school..... But it's not like I wanted to...... or even like it!. All the girls feel like they have to compete with me which is.........not always great.)

I walk into class and sit at the back of the class where nobody can see me...... Hopefully

My best friend walks in, Jackie. She's got beautiful bleached hair and light blue eyes almost similar to mine. I'm a red head, the only one in this school, I'm not pale like most but have beautiful eyes like my BFF.

"Hey" jackie said as she plopped herself on the seat next to me.

"Hey love" I squick as I rap my arms around her.

Jackie and I have been friends since fifth grade. We went to the same primary school and high school. We met because we went to the same psychologist this is because I....

I was interrupted by the loud door slam.

Mr William...uggghhh....

He was every girls crush until he was caught with one of the 8th grade girls 3 years ago. He always got dirty looks when he walked through the corridors and this is when he became bitter and...well just plain horrible.

Jackie and I exchange looks when we see him enter.

I looked away because I knew what she was thinking and I didn't want anyone to remind me of things that I had to forget

Jackie and I end up looking around the room for potential...(as usual). Which we usually don't find.

Wait..... Maybe not this time. We see the front of the room.....talking to 'the blondes', he had blue eyes and blonde hair and an amazing Australian accent.

"He is really cute" Jackie gasped as usual

"Mmmmhhh" I said with a he-is-awfully-cute-but-I-dont-care look on my face.

I thought that since he was new, maybe he wouldn't know about my past and the secrets I've kept.

So I suck up my thoughts and... There he is .... In front of me. I cant believe i just walked up to him. I could say something but for some reason the words just don't want to escape from my mouth. Jackie is standing there with a confused look on her face then that's when... Yeah..her...ugh..Britney Heights pops up in front of me with this I'm-so-happy-you-can't-speak-right-now look on her face. That's when she raps her arms around him. I walk away as fast as I can, and i immediately feel my cheeks heat up. What was happening to me. This hasn't happened before. Well normally I don't care what people think. I didn't even notice that mr.William had walked out the class what felt like hours go.

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