Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

It was an ordeal at the Metropolitan Police. She’d been forced to rehash absolutely everything that Vernon Shaw had done to her for the official record. As had Ellen. Having James and Alice hear of her impurity made Ebony feel quite embarrassed. It was her dirty secret and now an entire court would hear of it.

The policeman taking her statement had described two Latin terms to her – actus reus and mens rea. ‘Actus reus’ meant ‘guilty act’ and ‘mens rea’ meant ‘guilty mind’. The policeman told her that a man’s guilt was all about aforethought. Ebony had no doubt that Vernon had a guilty mind. His mind was sick and sadistic. With Ellen’s statement and the physical proof that their faces showed, the police had more than enough evidence to arrest Vernon. Once word reached the theatre of Vernon’s arrest, Ebony was sure everyone else would come forward also.

The policeman told both women that they would be summoned to give evidence at the trial once the date is set. He asked for an address and James immediately gave an address in Yorkshire for Ebony and Ellen said that she would be staying with a cousin in Sussex. It saddened Ebony to think that she and Ellen would be separating for a time. They’d depended on each other for so long.

Ebony guessed that Yorkshire was where Celeste was and that they would be reunited at the home of whoever was housing her. She was very anxious to see her but she would refuse to leave London until she knew Henry would be alright. She couldn’t abandon him, even though, regardless of what Little J had said, she was inconsequential. She didn’t want to see Celeste until her bruises had gone down either. Frightening her was not what she wanted to do.

When they were finally permitted to leave, they saw a group of four policemen being sent to Vernon’s Aunt’s residence to make the arrest. It was finally over. His reign of destruction and manipulation was over.

It was close to noon the next day when Ebony, Ellen, James and Alice returned to Little J and Harrison’s practice. Alice regretfully had to leave to check on her children and then go to the orphanage where she worked. Ebony admired her for doing something so selfless.

When they came inside, Ebony heard voices in Little J’s office. James led her and Ellen into the office and she was overwhelmed to see all the people standing in it, talking worriedly. It had to be the rest of Henry’s family. She hadn’t realised how big it was. She would have loved to have had such a big family.

Unlike the night before when nobody had noticed her, her entrance silenced the room and all eyes were on her.

“Everyone, this is Miss Seaver and Miss Winterberry,” James introduced before leaving the office to go upstairs.

Henry’s mother came forward first with a smile on her face. Ebony hoped that meant that Henry was alright. “Miss Seaver, I’m ever so happy to meet you. I’m so sorry for what Vernon did to you. If I’d known his true character, and I swear to you I didn’t, I would have certainly reported him. Innocent girls like you never deserve this kind of treatment.” Henry’s mother didn’t seem to have any issue with personal boundaries, not that Ebony minded, as she cupped her face and ran a soft finger over her black eye. Ebony saw where Henry had inherited his chocolate eyes from.

“You knew Vernon?” Ebony repeated. How could such a vile man have such a classy acquaintance?

“I did.” She nodded. “As a child. He was a dear friend once. Though not anymore. It was very brave of you to go to the police. He will hang for his sins.”

“Thank you, your Ladyship,” Ebony replied with a small smile. She’d never met a fine lady before. And now she was in a room surrounded by them.

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