Ch.1 Bottoms Up

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I hop in my all black Challenger. I then drive off to the bar. My mom always tells me "this isn't heathy for you". And I just say "so hurting your daughter isn't heathy". But I really don't care what she says I'm an adult I can do what ever.

I park and get out. I'm wearing a black short sleeve crop top, leather pants, and my combat boots. My hair is in a high pony tail, and my make up is dark, like my soul.

I walk in and sit at the bar and a guy comes up to me for my order and I say. "Jack Daniels". He nods and walks to get my drink ready. Then a guy comes up to me. "Hey sweetheart" he says, I sigh and then stand up, "hey, you wanna know something" I said smiling. "Sure" he said, "go away" I said then put a bitch face on. He growled and walked out. I smirked and sat back down then the guy handed me my drink. I took a sip and it felt amazing. I smile and then take another. I heard the door opened and I saw a guy in a leather jacket, dark jeans, and a Guns 'n' Roses shirt on. His hair was jelled up and he was hot. Damn. He kinda looked pissed about something. He sat at the end of the bar in the back. He ordered something and I saw the guy getting it ready and it was the strongest drink in the place. Hmm. I take the last of my drink the the guy takes the glass and I said "give me Vodka". He nodded and then he got it ready. He handed me the shot and I poured it all in my mouth. I set the shot glass down and then just sat there. I then pay for my drinks and walk out. I stand outside and look up at the sky. "Where are you Tyler" I whisper. The love of my life is gone, no one knows how but he's gone somewhere. Then someone puts a cloth over my mouth. I scream and struggle then I fall, my vision is blurry and I see a guy punch another guy then I pass out.

I wake up and look around and noticed I wasn't in my house. I saw papers everywhere. "She's awake" I heard someone say, I looked and saw a tall guy in the door way of the room. Then a guy with gelled up hair and a leather jacket comes walking in and lowered next to me. "Hey" he said in a deep voice, he then handed me a glass of water I sat up and drank some. "Where am I" I asked, "your at my place because a guy tried to knock you out and probably was gonna bring you to his house and bang you" he said. Then I remembered what happened, "Justin" I whispered, "who" he asked confused. "Justin when ever I go to the bar he tries to get me to be with him but I don't because he's a creep, man I'm gonna beat the living shit outta him" I said and stood up but lost my balance and fell, before I hit the ground the guy caught me and set me on the bed. "The drug is still kinda in you" he said, "but I'm gonna kill him" I growled, "no I already beat him up" he said putting a strand of hair behind my hair. "I said I'm gonna kill him, not beat him up" I said slowly. He laughed and said "I'm Dean, and that's Sam Winchester, we're brothers" he said pointing to the tall guy. "I'm Zoe Joseph" I said smiling, "are you hungry" Sam asked, "you got burgers" I asked. Dean smirked and said "that's my girl". "Sammy make some burgers" Dean said still looking into my bright blue eyes. "Sure" Sam said and walked out.

Me and Dean just talked until the burgers where done. He helped me to the table. I sat down and then took a bite of the greasy burger. I smiled in delight then thought. "Where's my car" I chirped, "calm down its parked outside" Sam said smiling. "Okay" I said sighing, I can't let anything happen to that car since it was Tyler's.

I finish my burger and put my plate in the sink. I sat back down and then Dean said "well I'm guessing the drug is gone because you walked in a straight line". I smiled and then said "got any Jack Daniels", "man she is the girl version of me" Dean said getting the whiskey and cups. "Well she got better looks than you" Sam said finishing his burger. "I agree" Dean said pouring the whiskey. I smile and then Dean hands me and Sam a cup of Jack Daniels. I take a sip and smile, "I love this" I mumble, Dean smiles and says "so gotta boyfriend". I hesitate then say "I had a husband but he disappeared". "Hmm" I heard Sam say and pick up a paper. "What" I said drinking that last of it. "Well is he this guy" Sam said showing me a paper and I saw......"Tyler" I whispered and tears streamed down my face. "What happened to him" I said whipping away the tears. "Well, umm, it's hard to explain" Sam said then looked at Dean. "Wait" I said and then saw part of a circle under the rug. I ran to the rug and lifted it up. It was the Devils trap. "You guys are hunters" I said looking at them, "uhh yeah" Dean said. "What happened to Tyler" I said. "He umm, got killed by a Demon" Dean said, tears streamed down my face and I collapsed on the floor. Dean embraced me in a hug. Then Sam did also, "have you killed the Demon" I asked, "it's hard to kill this one" Sam said. I looked up at them and then dug my head into Deans chest. "The love of my life is dead" I whispered, "do you know where his body is" I asked. "There's a funeral tomorrow" Sam said, "okay" I whispered. "Do you got any beer so I can get wasted" I said whipping away the tears. "Your not getting wasted" Sam said, "yes I am it makes me feel better".

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