Ch.2 Waisted

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I drink my 9th beer and feel dizzy. I stand up and stumble to the fridge. "No more" Sam said and shuts the fridge door, "your so bossy" I slurred, "go lay down" he shouted, so I just laid down on the kitchen floor. He sighed and then walked out of the room. I got up and quietly opened the fridge and got another beer. Number ten. I open the cap and take a swig. I giggle and then Sam walks in and sighs, "have fun with the hangover tomorrow" he said. "Shut up" I slurred, "Dean you can deal with her I'm going to bed" Sam said, "wait, Sammy" I slurred "what" he said. "I want a hug" I slurred, he sighed and came to me and gave me a hug. He went to his room and then Dean walked in. "Hey green eyes" I slurred, "hey blue eyes" he said smiling and grabbing a beer, "woah, woah, woah, that's mine" I slurred, "no this is mine, I bought it" he said opening it. "Fine" I said and set the empty bottle on the counter and then slurred "I'm going to bed, in your bed" I then stumbled to his room. I opened the door and saw Sam getting in bed. "Why are you in Dean's bed" I slurred, "why are you here" he asked, "I'm going to bed don't argue" I slurred and then fell on to Sam's bed instead. "Go in Deans bed" he growled, "never" I slurred then I got lifted up and put into Deans bed. "Night" I mumbled, "night" he said. Then I was out.

I woke up with a massive headache and then I though I'm gonna throw up. I run to the bathroom and puke my guts up, I hear someone walk in and say "how you feeling" it was Sam and I swear he was smirking, "shut up" I growled. "So Tyler's funeral is today get ready" he said and walked out. I stood up and flushed the toilet and then found some mouth wash and used it.

I then changed into a black dress that went to my knees. It looks like a dress from the 50s. I put black tights on and my black pumps. I let my black hair down and then brushed my teeth. I do my make up and then I was ready. Dean and Sam were in suits, I slightly smile at them and then look down. "Alright let's go" Sam sighed and we walked out. I hopped in my car and Dean and Sam got in there 1967 Chevy Impala. I followed them to the funeral home.

We parked and walked in. The guy told us to follow him into the room. It was a big room and at the other end was the casket that held Tyler. I slightly gasped and walked back wards. I ran into Dean, "it's okay" he whispered. It was just us three. Dean held my right hand and Sam held my left and and we slowly walked up to Tyler.

We reached Tyler and tears streamed down my face. "Tyler" I whispered, he looked really nice too. He had a tux on that was the one we wore to our wedding. I loved how he used to rap and sing songs to me. He had his ring on and his hands were folded on his stomach. I took my one hand and placed it on his shoulder. My hand went cold. I my voice was shaky, "I love you Tyler" I whisper. Then I placed a kiss on his head and then grabbed a hold of Dean and Sam's hand. The door opened and I saw Josh. Josh ran to us and then stopped when he saw Tyler. "Tyler" he whispers in a shaky voice. I then bring him in a hug. We both start crying. "Zoe what happened" he said looking at me, "well, these guys can probably explain it better than I can" I said wiping away my tears. Josh looked at them then Dean looked back and then said "you promise not to tell a soul". "Yes" Josh said, "you might not believe it" Sam said then Dean said "he was killed by a Demon". Josh's breath stumbled for a second. "It's hard to kill also" I said a rubbed Josh's arm. He looked at me and then slipped his arm around my waist. He looked at me and smiled, "what" I said confused yet scared. "So, which one is your boyfriend" he said smirking, "non of them, Dean actually saved me" I said looking at Dean. "What happened" Josh asked concerned, "a guy tried to knock her out with drugs and was gonna bring her to his house to bang her" Dean said with a stern look. "Your staying with me" Josh said giving me a look. "I was at a bar" I said, "well whatever your still staying with me" he said. "But what if I want to stay with them" I said pointing to Sam and Dean, "well whoever will protect you" Josh said. "Well we're probably gonna head back on the road for a new case in a couple days, once we kill it" Sam said, "okay, well since you probably like one of them, stay with them till they leave then come to my place" Josh said. "For the last time I don't" I said then I said "okay I admit it they are really cute but I don't know if I'm ready to have a boyfriend and plus they might not like me". "Oh one of us likes you" Sam said wiggling his eyebrows and Dean looked pissed, "this guy" Sam mouthed pointing to Dean. "Sammy" Dean growled, "what to chicken to admit it" Sam said. "Dude-" Dean said but got cut off by the door opening. People came in and then we stepped away. People sobbed and then came to me and talked. And I'm very anti-social so it's kinda hard to talk to people.

After I talked and some of his family members talked it was time to take him to his grave. They closed his casket and then put him in the car. We lined up it went me, since I'm his wife, then his parents, then Josh and behind Josh it was Sam and Dean. Then other family members and friends. Then we drove off to the cemetery.

We got there and parked. Josh had his arm around my waist and Sam and Dean walked next to us. We stood by his grave and Josh helped carry his grave to the grave. Along with Josh was Tyler's dad, brother, and another family member. They set him down and the lift that was gonna lower him in the cement box. Then we sat there while some people talked. Tears streamed down my face and Josh put his arm around me and so did Dean. Sam was behind me rubbing my shoulders. Then it was time to put him into the grave. They lowered him and slid the cement top over and there was more words and then it was time to go.  We walked to our cars and I got in and left. Tears were still streaming down my face.

I got to Dean's place and he was there also. I walked in and saw him and Sam sitting on the couch quietly. I sat next to them and Dean whispered "just release it". I then cried into his chest. He rubbed my back and I heard Sam get up and then he said "Dean we need to kill it". "I know but she needs comfort" Dean said stroking my hair. "I'll help you kill it" I said looking up at them and wiping my tears away. "No, it's way to dangerous" Dean said, "it killed the love of my life, so I want to kill it" I said. "She wants revenge on it" Sam said, Dean sighed and said "fine". I smiled and then got up and grabbed some clothes and changed. I put on dark skinny jeans that had some rips. A black t shirt, a flannel, and a leather jacket with black combat boots. I wiped off the smeared make-up and put on mascara and eyeliner the put my hair in a high pony tail and walked out. "Let's go kill it" I said. "Okay" Sam said, he had a black shirt on with a flannel, dark jeans and combat boots. Dean had a Guns 'n' Roses shirt on, a grey denim jacket on, dark jeans and combat boots. What's with dark jeans and combat boots. "Okay your riding with us though" Dean said loading a pistol and handing it to me. "Just in case if you see Justin" he said smirking, I smiled and slipped it in the back of my pants. We got to the back of his Impala and he opened the trunk and he handed me holy water. I put in a pocket of my leather jacket. We all had holy water, the thing that sucks about this is that Demons can go in people.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2016 ⏰

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