Chapter Twelve: Overwhelmed

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Chapter Twelve: Overwhelmed

The flames had slowly begun to crawl up the walls of the church, as Taylor walked down between the two opposing sides of pews which were burned beyond repair. Noran stood with his twenty or so reinforcements without a hint of fear in his eyes, but Taylor was determined to change that and the war right there and then. 

"Do not be foolish boy. You are powerful but you are outnumbered as well, it would be best if you got down on your knees and surrender yourself to your fate" soothed Noran, attempting to convey mercy in the sweetest tone he could muster. 

"That's funny I was outnumbered earlier today when I slaughtered your little hit squad. Where is Kirill by the way, I know about his little trick so there's no use in lying to me either" Taylor stopped his advanced with only a few feet separating the two men. 

"Careful little king, power can be your downfall just as easily as the flame. Personally I can't decide which one would be more entertaining to watch" he chuckled. 

"No, it's you Noran whose big head that's going to end you. But I can cut it off for you before it gets too much for your neck to hold" replied Taylor, expertly twirling his scorching blades in both hands with his eyes fixed on his target. 

"Are you quite done with this little pissing contest?" the sound of Urson's voice sparking up from the rear of the church distracted everyone’s attention from the confrontation taking place.

"Urson, honestly I'm surprised to see you in a place like this bending a knee to a non-existent deity. It's very amusing actually, all the praying in this world won't stop me from coiling my whip about your throat and watching the water build up about your eyes as I boil the blood in your veins" spat Noran. 

"Hello Noran, and I see that you still love your theatrics but please if you think you can be my guest" he goaded him calmly. 

"Hmm. Very amusing, keep the false king occupied while I deal with this pest. It will not take long" he commanded the Cyturion's behind him which only seemed to consist of men and none of them seemed to hesitate as they stepped forward directing their attention at Taylor. 

The men split into two groups of equal number and closed in on their target from two different sides, the left hand group even burned their way through the already crumbled pews so they could have space to manoeuvre in. Taylor arched his back and relished as the three clicks in his back spread relief throughout his muscular back, he crouched low and held his swords high his eyes staying focused on the approaching men. His heart was lashing out at his ribcage as he looked at the task laid out before him, he was terrified but he knew he needed to stay calm otherwise the fight would be over before he could even swing a sword. They drew nearer and the beat of Taylor's heart skipped as he realised that there was every possibility that he was going to die right then and there. 

The right group charged first, a small portion of them vanished behind black tongues of flame whilst the remaining six attacked head on. Four separate whooshes of fire erupted from all around him followed by the sight of the other Cyturion's attacking from different directions. One from above, one right, one left and the last from behind effectively surrounding Taylor on all sides. His best chance was to go forward which was what he did, he ran out to meet the men running his way going into a roll and stopping amongst them. Soon after flesh and blood sizzled on the edge of his blades as he cut stabbed his way through the obstacles of meaty bodies around him. 

Their corpses fell to the floor but he didn't hear them, all he focused on was the motion of his hands and arms as they helped guide the dazzling blue of his blades into his enemies. From the original six he'd attacked only two were left standing, both of whom clutched fresh wounds as the four men who had attempted to jump him joined them. To his right he spotted the other ten edging ever closer, every single one of them were watching for an opening or a sign of weakness to exploit. Despite their numbers they were clearly hesitant about attacking him first, it was understandable seeing as they'd watched four others get cut down so flawlessly. Taylor was so focused on the foes surrounding him that he didn't notice the sight of Frederick creeping up behind him. 

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