Chapter Seventeen: Chaos

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Chapter Seventeen: Chaos

Number ten was bustling with activity shortly after the prime minister had exited his office followed by the five Arturion men, questions had come thick and fast which were eventually answered. Also once the security team were convinced to holster their pistols and lower their submachine guns everything was far less tense.

They were led into a large board room, swiftly followed by the security team which numbered at seven in total. Not that the prime minister needed it with the five immortals at his back. A black corded phone sat atop a table which stood at fifteen feet long in an oval shape, which acted as the centre piece for the room. The walls were draped in paintings, ornaments and pieces of expensive looking furniture. The prime minister walked over to the phone and rapidly punched a number into the keypad. 

"I'm calling an emergency meeting of all our high ranking military personnel, have them all here within a half hour" he said sternly. A voice crackled back from the other end, it sounded confused and worried. 

"All will be explained shortly, just make it happen now!" he huffed before slamming the phone down. 

"Why must people ask so many questions?" he asked nobody in particular. 

"Curiosity can be such a tricky thing, but questions are important nonetheless. I think that while we wait I should explain a little more about who we are and what we are, there's so much more that you'll need to understand" said Ryne gesturing towards one of the many black leather office chairs that lined the table. 

For the next fifteen minutes Ryne talked about the history of the Embers from their origin all the way to the beginning of the war, and as to why they had even arrived on earth and brought their war with them. Most people would have looked stunned or even confused at times but he sat contently listening to the tale with rapt attention not saying a word. 

"So to put things in a simple manner, it's very complicated" laughed Ryne although it lacked any real mirth. 

"I wouldn't say that accurately describes it but yes, very complicated. So how large is this army of theirs? How much have your people actually learned?" his questions rattled off faster than a machine gun. 

"We think at least two-thousand, maybe more than that. If it were a human army I'm sure you it wouldn't worry you, but I don't think I need to tell you what a force like that could accomplish" said Mylar. 

"I dread to think really. We must act soon though, they could strike again at any time and next time I get the feeling it's going to be a lot worse" said James. 

The doors to the boardroom swung open and in walked five people, three of them men and the other two women; they all gawked at the sight of the men with white and blue eyes instantly noticing how different they were. This led the prime minister to another round of explanations as to why they were there and what had happened, they were even harder to bring around than the men with guns had been. None of the immortals could blame them; they were unknown to them and potentially dangerous in their eyes. After all had calmed down they took seats at the table and began the meeting, no time was wasted getting to the point at hand. 

"In a nut shell your military can't stop the Cyturion's alone, you need our help. What we want to propose is that we station our own troops numbering over two-hundred here in London, it's nothing in comparison to the size of their army but it will help in terms of evacuating areas that get attacked" said Mylar. 

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