The Misadventures of Rem and Ritsuka: Body Swap!

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Hi everyone!!! Sorry for my terribly slow and almost non-existence updates on this book ^^'
I know I said I'd post useful information on this book but unfortunately, the majority of useful information lies in my tumblr blog =v= [ For those who might know me, I go by the name 'my-son-hates-mushrooms' on tumblr] <------- Shamelessly self advertising

As a result, I'll mainly post my DwD fics here for y'all to read but keep in my mind that my fics only revolve one ship and you know who those two are. (My fics are also once in a blue moon so expect slow updates too, ahahaha....)

So as an apology for my terrible updates, here's a fic I wrote not too long ago. Enjoy my amateur-ish writing guys =w=
"Ah, it's raining again... " Ritsuka stepped out of the school building, breathing in the scent of fresh rain.

"Are we ready to go now? " A blonde male appeared beside her.

It was Rem. It had been a month since they both started going out. Ever since then, they'd been walking back home together each day.

"Y-Yes. " Ritsuka replied with a nod.

With that, Rem opened the blue Umbrella he had brought with him and took Ritsuka by the hand as they walked out into the rain.

The warm palm of their hands touching each other gave them comfort after a long day at school. Rem with his student council duties and Ritsuka with her studies.

"This feels nice..." both of them thought to themselves as a faint blush appeared on both of their cheeks.

Though the couple didn't talked much, somehow, they were able to communicate with each other through little gestures like this. It didn't bother them at all that their relationship was built up mostly on gestures of kindness rather than words, it was what that made it all the more special in their hearts.

Just then, the rain turned from a light shower to an oncoming storm as thunder rumbled in the distance.

"We should head back home fast. " Rem said.

"Y-Yeah. " Ritsuka answered in a disappointed tone. She wanted these moments to last longer.

As both of them break out into a small run, just before the Tachibana residence, a lightning bolt struck the the umbrella in Rem's hand and sent a bolt of electricity down the metal bar of the umbrella, the electrostatic force causing them both to fly sideways as Ritsuka felt a sharp pain running through her head as well as Rem . Two bodies lay unconscious on the wet pavement as a loud clap of thunder shook the village beneath it.

"......R-Rem..." Ritsuka slowly opened her eyes as she felt her head throbbing painfully, a sign that she hadn't completely recovered from the previous impact.

The rain had lessened to a drizzle as rain drops came in contact with her cold skin. Managing to sit up, she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Her eyes darting around in a daze, finding for a familiar silhouette. Where is Rem?

"...Urgh......" someone groaned in pain just a few feet away from her. Strange, that voice...... why did it sounded just like mine?

"...Ritsuka..." Rem called out to her in a weak voice as he slowly sat up from where he was lying. Something wasn't right, he was sure that he called out her name but why did it sounded like Ritsuka who said that.

As the two teenagers adjusted to their surroundings, which was difficult as they struggled to fight off the drowsiness that was running through their heads . At last, they laid eyes on each other and backed away in horror. Right in front of them, were none other than themselves.

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