Chapter 6: King of New York

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We stayed at the park for another few hours, simply singing and talking and dancing. Our throats were sore and our feet hurt by the time we got into Adam's car to head back to Lima when the sun eventually began to set. It had been decided that we'd be staying at his house for the night, even Cody as although he could be a little overbearing, it seemed that we all got on well with him.

The car drive was loud and rowdy, with screams of protest every time someone changed the musical that was being played through the AUX cord. Adam drove, it was his car after all, with Chandler sat beside him. The tiny one had only managed to get the passenger seat since he was falling asleep at the park and anyone who knew Chandler knew that he had absolutely no understanding of personal space whilst he slept. It was just easier to give him a whole seat to himself.

This left Elliott, Cody and me. Me being the smallest, an executive decision had been made to cram me in between the two bigger boys and have two buckles jabbing into my bony hips.

"Hey! Who turned off Phantom?" Adam shook his head in frustration as he heard Christine's voice stop suddenly. Trying to see who'd taken the cord without killing us by steering onto the other side of the road, Adam soon found this to be impossible and reached back to hit me on the knee. In other words, this was him tasking me with finding out.

Cody looked up from Adam's phone and smirked gently as he scrolled through the list of countless show tunes and recordings he'd made for personal projects, "You have boring taste, don't you have anything normal?"

Rage filled Adam's face for a moment before he rolled his eyes and allowed it to settle, "By normal you mean top forty, I'm assuming?"

An exclamation of laughter left Cody as he stared at the list of show tunes in amusement, "If that's what it takes then yes." He pulled his own phone from his pocket and began scrolling through the music list on that to find something he was going to deem, 'acceptable'.

"Then I'm afraid you're going to have to leave this car." Elliott and I started laughing as we looked to each other with amused smiles. Cody didn't know Adam. Insulting his music taste was just about the worst thing you could do, besides from insulting the show choir he'd started for people who didn't normally get the chance to perform.

Cody furrowed his eyebrows for a moment as it took him a little while to realise that Adam was only joking, "What, whilst it's moving?"

"Of course."

We'd arrived back at Adam's house to find that his parents had left for a business trip earlier in the day with his little sister. Chandler had immediately exclaimed what he wanted to do with a  quick, "Let's get drunk!"

Cheers rose from Elliott and Cody as Adam and I laughed though Chandler quickly backed it up with, "Not with liquor, with Disney movies, you alcoholics."

However; Adam's parents were gone and we had the house to ourselves so the Disney movies lay unattended in Adam's room. We, instead, took the opportunity to have a party. I say 'party', we didn't invite anyone else.

We basically just took the opportunity to get drunk.

Standing in Adam's backyard, I lifted the plastic, red cup and allowed the liquid to flow between my lips.

I watched as Chandler jumped up onto Adam's back to steal Elliott's hat and then had Adam run around the garden, still carrying Chandler, with it positioned jauntily on his head as the taller boy chased them. Small giggles escaped my lips quickly.

It didn't exactly take much to make me smile when tipsy.

I had to admit, my vodka and coke was mostly coca cola though it took little to no time to get me drunk. For some reason, it affected me within minutes though at least I was only a happy drunk. However; I was a very compliant drunk and I'd often worried about what I'd agree to one day when tipsy so I usually remained sober around people I didn't know.

My brain became cloudy as I continued to drink from the cup in my hand, occasionally taking refills from Adam as he came around with the bottles. The evening was warm and muggy but the rational part of my brain wouldn't let me remove my jacket because of my arms. Unfortunately; the irrational part of my brain decided it would be a good idea to unbutton my shirt instead and so, I stood exposed on the porch, watching Elliott lead the group in a conga around Adam's mother's apple trees.

After a few more drinks, I felt a hand slip into mine and lead me away from the backdoor. I was only too happy to comply.

I pretty much went along with anything when like that.

Looking up at the person who had led me to the bottom of the garden, where we were alone, I saw that it was Cody. He gave his signature smirk and sat down on the lone swing, pushing back and forth occasionally as I watched him in hysterics. Reaching out to pull me closer until I was stood between his legs, Cody smiled gently as he glanced over my body, "What are you doing?" Although I was questioning his actions, I just couldn't stop laughing and Cody seemed to take this as meaning that the question had been rhetorical.

Everything seemed so hilarious.

Eventually; he reached his hand out once again and grabbed me by the waist, pulling me onto his lap. His arms snaked around my body as he held me against him, smiling almost fondly as I simply giggled through a soft, "Stop it," and sipped at my drink once again.

I noticed that Cody didn't have a cup though thought nothing of it.

He brushed a hand through my hair gently, turning me slightly so that I ended up straddling his legs on the swing with only my stupid, red cup in between our chests. I couldn't help myself and continued laughing as he took the drink from me and brought it to his own lips, eventually resting it on the floor below us as he never once dropped eye contact.

Looking back now, I wasn't in control of my actions at all.

In one quick motion, Cody had balled my shirt in his fists and pulled me closer until his lips met my neck somewhere in the middle.

I didn't know what to think yet still, I couldn't stop giggling.

Cody seemed to take this as a go-ahead, as he began nibbling at my exposed skin and guiding my arms around his neck. Grunting softly, he pulled me further onto his lap and seemed to sigh in frustration as I giggled through gentle exclamations of, "No, stop it," and, "Cody, no."

I couldn't get him to stop.

After far too long, he eventually became sick of my hysterics and feeble attempts to push him away and stood abruptly, causing me to stumble from his lap and drop to the floor in a cross-legged position as he stormed away from the swing set.

Continuing to laugh, I reached out for my abandoned cup and found very little left in it though still cradled it to my chest. Staring into it for a little while with one hand to my bruised neck, I watched a tiny droplet fall into the liquid and make a miniscule splash in the mixture; however, when I looked up to the sky, I found that there wasn't a cloud in sight.




~ Rowan

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