Chapter 3

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My eyes were full of tears, I could hardly see.

"Please Chesh?!"

There was a rustle of leaves, that came from behind me.

"Chesh?" I questioned.

I looked under a bush. "Thank god! I thought you were..." It wasn't Chesh.

A monstrous creature of some sort stared at me with its blood shot eyes.

"Oh my god!" I turned around and grabbed my bag. I ran as fast as my feet would handle in these old shoes.

"CHESHIRE WERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

I didn't stop running.

When I got to the tree house cheshire was their.

"What the hell cheshire! Why would you do that to me!?" I screamed at Cheshire.

He was shaking his eyes were huge and he was hiding under my desk. He was scared.

"Chesh... Are you ok?" I was actually freaking out i have never seen him this scared in my life!

Their was a high pitch, bloodcurdling scream.

I grabbed Chesh and ran into my closet. I started stroking his blue fur its

"Its ok Chesh, its ok." I told him in a calm voice.

We fell asleep.

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