Chapter 4

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I woke up to the noise of glass shattering.

"Chesh?! You ok? Where are you?!" I ask with a frighted voice.

I look around my room. It was a mess.

Clothes, books, loose paper, shattered glass, tree branches and leafs were everywhere! It looked like the tornado sene from the wizard of oz.

"Miss Amber?" Cheshire spoke in a quiet worried voice. "You need to come here."

I stumbled to get over to the windowsill were cheshire was sitting.

"Cheshire whats wrong?" I asked him.

He looked like he had seen a ghost.

"Alice..." He whistled through his teeth

"Chesh your not making sense? What does Grandmother Alice have to do with this?"

He leaped of the windowsill and onto my desk, and started to pas back and forth.

"I never thought it would come be back. HOW could it have come back. The white queen.. THE WHITE QUEEN!!!! WHAT WILL SHE THINK OR DO TO ME!? OR EVEN YOU AMBER!"

"Cheshire!! What the hell are you talking about!?" I screamed trying to get him to stop passing.

His eyes were the size of softballs,

"He's here!" He cried


"The jabberwocky!"

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