Chapter 2

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Another simple day had came and passed. Emma had quite a bit more homework than usual though. She was in a bitter mood tonight however, which was different than her happy, boastful mood she was usually in. Breanne had tried to make her something to eat, tried playing games with her, even offered to take her to Central Park. Emma just wanted her daddy. That wasn't anything new of a five-year-old, but for Emma, it was kind of odd. Her normal attitude reflected on getting her homework done and play time over with before her dad got home, so she could spend more time with him when he got home.

     "I'm home, Emma!" The usual call was made, and Emma was sitting directly on the bottom step of the staircase when her father entered. She still didn't say much, but gladly took her father's help on the homework and dinner Breanne made earlier for Emma. After Emma had gone to bed, Breanne had talked to Ritchie about Emma's behavior.

"She refused to play, eat, talk, or do her homework. The only thing I got out of her was that she wanted you." Ritchie rubbed his head. "Well, maybe she just had a hard day. Surely she'll be better tomorrow." Once Breanne left, Ritchie sat outside for a few more minutes thinking about what could be making Emma act that way.

     'Maybe she's just going through something at school. Maybe she's starting to think more of having a mother too, and not just a father. Hopefully it isn't anything I have done...' Ritchie thought about all of the thing that could be causing this. He went to bed later than usual, very concerned on how her behavior would be the next day and if he needed to go up to the school and talk to her teachers to see if they have noticed a change in her actions, or if there is someone or something there maybe cuasing this.

The next morning, 6 o'clock in the morning, RItchie tried talking to Emma. Asking her if it was anything at school, or if she wanted him to stay home more. Emma seemed to be happier again, still not answering his questions thourougly though. Thinking back on it now, she really wished she would've taken that note a little more seriously.

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