Complaining About Lessons

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Okay so it's EvilOverlord666, and I have gathered you here today to complain about our awful first-world lives and decent educations. So with the languages (we can't help complaining about them) it's become a running joke that we remember German, but not French; despite Florenche's lies, in a French test we remember German, but in a German test we remember nothing at all!

In Latin we can barely remember English.

Which brings me to discuss Mandarin. In a moment of delusion, I thought learning four languages next year would be a good idea. We still have to suffer for another year before dropping all the subjects I hate (French, Art, Textiles, etc.) which means another year of stumbling through the subjects I know I'm going to drop. I believe we have about fifteen subjects currently, and I thought adding Mandarin would be the best plan of action. Why?

I also tend to amble through the creative subjects with comments such as "improve overall quality of drawing." What does that even mean? Is it just "you suck at drawing" in teacher-language? Because that's not very helpful. Art in general isn't even good. We use pastels and watercolours and stuff all year, but never get any practice with observational pencil drawing.

And guess what our end-of-year Art exam is.

Languages-wise, French is the bane of my existence. They hardly even pronounce half the letters, and there are so many verb endings. We have French listening exams and it all sounds like French-accented Gobbledygook. In Latin we now know two past tenses, each accompanied by their own set of endings, which is just so much fun. But don't get me wrong, German is still bad, because our German teacher is horrendous. They set us homework every single lesson and if we don't know one piece of vocab from a unit they did six months ago, they get angry with you.

They were most of my complaints with the lessons, but I haven't even started on how our entire school and headmistress are inherently sexist...



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