Chapter 2 - On your knees!

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I ran as fast as I could and after a few minutes I heard the heavy thud of paws hitting the ground. It was Mr Alpha and he was chasing me and from the fact that he could keep up with me like this I knew that he was a powerful alpha. I dodged around trees and jumped over streams and logs but he managed to keep up with me but I had another trick up my sleeve. I made it rain. It would be harder for him to keep up this way as he was heavier so he would slip and slide more than me and he wouldn't be able to track my scent. Soon enough I heard the sound of his paws fade and I found a cave to sleep in and so i lay down but just as I was about to go to sleep I heard a wolf enter the cave.

"You are in a lot of trouble" growled my mate.

"Oh shit" I muttered...

Chapter 2

This can't be happening to me right now. I didn't want a mate and I certainly didn't want an alpha mate. They were worse than normal mates. I wish he would just give up but I knew that he wouldn't. He was an alpha and I was hihs mate and so I was supposed to become the Luna of his pack. Alpha wolves would never give up on their mates.

"You are coming with me right now!" he gowled loudly. I looked at him and saw that his eyes were changing between pitch black and his normal dark blue eyes. His wolf was about to take over. That was bad, real bad but I wasn't going to go without a fight.

"No." I bit back.

"Don't make me do this." he growled lowly.

"Do what?" What didn't he want to do?

"Fine, Come with me now with no fight and you will be silent but tell me what you name is first." he growled with the alpha command.

"Jessie." I bit out. No! This can't be happening! I screamed inside my head but sure enough my legs started moving and I was following him to his house and I couldn't do one damn thing about it. A tear slipped out of my eye as we neared his pack house. What pack was he from? As soon as we entered the house his alpha command wore off and I was free to talk and I quickly shifted back into my human form.

"Leave me alone! I don't want a mate!" I screamed at him as soon as I could.

"Well, you don't have a choice. You are my mate and so you will act like one and you will also be a Luna to this pack." he growled bac at me through clenched teeth.

"What pack it this?" I asked.

"The Red Moon Pack"

"SHIT!" I shouted. How was I ever going to escape from here? The Red Moon Pack is the most powerful pack that ever existed! I had to get away soon. I just had to figure out how.

"Let's go to our room." he put extra emphasis on the our. I just rolled my eyes and stood firmly where I was. He growled threateningly and then picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I screeched. He just laughed at my futile attempts to get off. Soon we reached his room and he plopped me down on his bed. I immediately got back up and slapped him across the face.

"What was that for?" he shouted in rage. I flinched back a bit. He reminded me of my father. He always shouted at me and mum. Mum, if only she was here. I felt a pang of longing in my chest and I had the sudden urge to cry but I held it together.

"For everything." I snarled. I looked up at him and saw that his eyes were pitch black. Shit.

"GET ON YOUR KNEES INFRONT OF ME!" I heard him roar in rage and he used the alpha command so I couldn't object. I had heard of Alphas making their mates bow down but I never thought that it would happen to me. Tears trickled down my face as I got on my knees. Why did this have to happen to me?

"Next time I won't be so nice." his wolf growled in my ear and then he left the room. The command wore off and I curled up in a ball sobbing. This just proved that alpha mates were cruel and heartless.

After a while I managed to get it together and I went to the door only to realise that he had locked it. He had locked me in. Bastard. I decided to play with water. I turned the tap on in the bathroom and then commanded it to make me a bed that I could sleep on, I was not going to sleep with him in a bed. I made the water go black for my pillow and cover and told it not to make me or my clothes wet. Then I made some of it go up above the door and told it to fall down on Mr Alpha when he came in the door. I don't even know his name yet. Well, I didn't need it as I wasn't planning on staying for long. I then crawled into my water bed and I commanded it to move so that I was near the ceiling where he couldn't reach me. After a few minutes I fell into a deep sleep.

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