Jungle Karma Pizza

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May parked the car in front of the old looking building and looked at the sign saying Jungle Pizza Karma and she lifts one eyebrow. Coulson had said that someone had to take Skye to the place where she was going to stay and that someone happened to be May.

She was not overly happy about it but she could understand why Coulson wanted someone to drop the hacker of. Last time Skye was with one of her friends things did not end good for her.

Skye looks at the older woman beside her and she takes a deep breath. She knew she would have to tell her something. After all, once the phone call was made she had headed straight for her bunk to pack and fix up everything she would need and she had not left the bunk until they had landed in Ocean Bluff.

"RJ is fine, he is not a member of the Rising tied." Skye says as she leans forwards and opens up the bag sitting between her legs, looking for something.

"He is a good man. He took me in after I... a week after I had brought my van. I was lost and broke and he allowed me to stay and work here until I could stand on my own to feet again." She continued to say at the same time as she was looking for something.

May turns her head from the building and looks at Skye, not saying a word. "He has always been there when I needed help. He is like a big brother to me and he has called me his little sister from time to time." Skye said, not needing May to say or ask anything.

Skye smiles as she pulls out a jacket from the bag and she starts to pull it on. It was of light rouge color and it was fitting her perfectly. "So you can tell Coulson he dose not need to worry." She said and opens up the car door and walks out.

She closes the door behind her but turns around and leans towards towards the cars open window. "And I will call if I find something that I can't handle." She added and May looked at her, or rather the claw looking mark on her jacket and her eyes narrowed a little.

Skye moves away from the car and waves a bit over her head. "I'll see you later." She said and heads towards the door to the pizza bar but she has to move from side to side swiftly as three teenagers runs out from the place in a high speed.

"Wow, have the food become this bad since I was here the last time?" She said to herself as a man walks out and stops beside her. "Hey, watch it!" The man said and Skye just smiles and hugs him.

"I was just kidding RJ." She said and the man hugs her back. "Missed you. Now, come on inside and let's get you in to your old uniform and tell me all about what you have been up to." The man said and clapped his hands and the two of them walks in to the pizza bar.

"Welcome back to heaven!" RJ said as he and Skye enters the resturant and Skye just looks at him. "Really?" She asks and RJ shrugs his shoulders. "RJ, where did Casey, Leo and Lily go?" A woman's voice said and a woman in the same age as RJ walks out from the kitchen and stops when she sees Skye.

"Fran, met my little sister Skye. Skye this is one of my workers Fran." RJ said and Skye hold put her hand to the woman. "Nice to meet you. And if you were talking about the three teenagers they run out earlier." She said and looked at the flour covered woman. "Need help in the kitchen?" She then asked and Fran smiles big. "Yes!" She said and heads to the kitchen once more.

RJ just looked after her. "Good way to start up things." He said and Skye just looked at him. "Well I'm going to stay here for a little while so why not." She said and RJ got a bit serious. "Yeah about that sudden call." He said and Skye just shaked her head. "Not now. Right now Fran needs my help in the kitchen." She said and started to head for the kitchen.


May looks after them and as soon as she sees them walk in to the building she puts the car in reverse to back out from the parking space and the towards her the apartment building she was going to live in. But she had only one thing on her mind. The mark that was on Skye's jacket. "The Order of the Claw." She says with a low voice.

She had not seen that mark for a long time and now suddenly it shows up again. On the jacket worn by a hacker. Things did not add up and the swiftness Skye had have when she moved out do the way from the three teenagers that run out of the pizza place. A swiftness she had not seen before in her.

May parked the car at the apartment buildings parkinglot and jumps out. She takes her bag and starts to head up the stairs to the apartment. Once in the apartment mand making sure it was secured she sends away a message to Coulson telling him that the drop-off off Skye had goon good and that she had reached her location without problems.

Once she was gone with that she pulls out her tablet and started on her research about the order of the claw. But after two hours of searching she gave up for the day. The best way to find out the truth was to talk to Skye about it herself and that was something that would have to wait until they were alone and not on a undercover mission.

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