Just another day for Callaway

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I walk into the coffee shop with my hips swaying and my head held high as my jimmy choos click on the ground in sync,making a light tapping sound. I grab my designer wallet out of my Gucci handbag slung over my shoulder, as I enter the coffe shop. I walk up to the till and lean over resting my elbows on the table.

'How much would a Decaf and no sugar cappuccino be?' I ask my voice smooth and soft dripping with power and confidence .The girl behind the till looks up at me from her phone ...but before she opens her mouth to answer, her eyes widen in recognition.

'OH MY GOD.... Are you-' but before she can continue, a guy next to her shouts 'its Chelsea Callaway!!'

That's all it took.. for the coffee shop to be filled with screaming fans girls and boys as they pushed and shoved each other to get my attention. I slide my designer sunglasses up my head before winking seductively at all the cute boys around me and their love struck stares. One of them comes walking up to me and I smirk arrogantly knowing full well that he is about to confess his undying love for me as will all the others. When he is just a few centimeters before, me he grabs a cup of water from the table next to him...

Lifts it up...

Over my head

And dumps it on me......... -__-


I wake up drenched in cold water and look up to see my older brother of literally a year smirking down at me with a jug in his hand.

'Ashton what the hell are you crazy?!!!'

'Im sorry lil sis but I did warn you. Now get the hell up! Do you want to be late for school on the first day of the summer term?'

' umm I think I would have known because my alarm clock would have woken me up you duffus' I say irritated as I pick it up to check the time. 'see? Its only 805... wait a miniue.... Aaaaaaaaaaa its 805. bloody hell!! We have to be in school by 830'

I get out of bed clumsily, falling flat on my face as I get up and fall again on my butt and that's when I realize that the lower part of my body is tangled up with the duvet so, I skillfully free myself and do a happy dance as well as kicking the duvet for good measure all in the space of a miniute. wow look at me go!. Speeding past a hysterically laughing Ashton, I dash in and out of the shower in 3 minutes record time and quickly brush my long wavy light blond hair while brushing my teeth at the same time. I don't bother with makeup as we were not allowed to wear it to school and I would probably get in trouble for it anyways.

I run into my room and sigh gratefully as I see my uniform is already out and on my bed.Huh I guess big brothers are good for something's. I throw on my school shirt on top of my vest and bra. I put on my school skirt on top of it, topping the uniform off with my school blazer. I grab my Addidas side shoulder bag and rush down the stairs.

After Putting on my dolly school shoes, and before I rush out of the house and into the car where mum and Aston were probably waiting for me, I quickly rush into the kitchen, grabbing myself a blueberry muffin and kiss my newspaper reading father on the cheek.

'I swear to god Chelsea if we are late....'

'It's not my fault!'

'Yes it is it's your bloody alarm clock!'

'Which I set last night now shut up and leave me alone'

'Not until you admit it is your fault'

'No its not'

'Is too'

'What are you seven?'

'What are you a girl?'

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