there's more to it

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Walking down the corridors, people push and barge each other in a hurry to get to their next class mumbling sorry's to whomever they thought deserved them. This did not include me. I'm lost in my own thoughts when I feel a sharp pain on my left shoulder as someone collides into me.

'omg I am soooooo sor-... oh it's you'

I lift my eyes up to meet with hazel eyes that are more familiar to me than the word familiar. These are the eyes of my former best friend; Calvin Rhodes.

'Umm hey' my voice is quiet: barely above a whisper in the buzz around us. He looks at me with a small frown and a hint of annoyance in his eyes as he pushes past me mumbling 'watch where you're going next time weirdo' under his breath as he walks away. Funny, how things can change so dramatically in a short amount of time. No, I am not exaggerating. Exactly 4 moths and 2 weeks ago, my best and most trusted friend Calvin tried out for the school football team (soccer/ English football) and surprise! Surprise! He got accepted. I always knew he was a good athlete, which is why I encouraged him so much. He was a nobody back then, and that's how we became friends. It was an unspoken rule; nobodies stick to nobodies.

As soon as he became an official soccer player though, he got his ticket to popularity and the friend requests kept coming in. It dint bother me at first... I mean he would not abandon the only true friend he ever had right? It's impossible! He wouldn't fall in their traps right? I mean, why would he even want a bunch of false friends when I was there, when nobody else he would always stick by me right?


A big fat wrong

As soon as he joined the 'it' squad, he pressed the button to delete me out of his life. Its almost most as if he used me and the only reason he even became my friend in the first place, was because he dint want to be alone. A nobody is always better than a loner.

My mood is saddened as thoughts of the past swim through my head. As I continue walking, I realize that my next class is P.E (physical education) and only then do I allow my mood to lift and lighten up a bit seeing as this was my favorite class of the week. I have a great body and in perfect physical condition; exercise was my thing and is the only time other than singing, in which I felt like I was actually good at something and belonged somewhere. I skip towards the gym hall with a flutter of excitement in my stomach and a small smile on my face.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully until the last period before the end of the day as we all heard some loud commotion in the corridors from our classrooms it was then when the bell rang so everyone rushed out in almost inhuman speed to get there the fastest to be able to do what the kids at this school were best at doing: gossiping. As I walk towards the already large forming crowd to see what the commotions all about, I realize that it's a fight and since no one would make deal of a fight on a normal basis except where it was between 'important popular people' I knew just then that of course... surprise surprise! It must be Ashton...... god that brother of mine can be such a pain in the backside sometimes.

I push past the crowd trying to get to him, so as to stop the fight before the already approaching teachers found out it was him who was fighting again and then there would be trouble. 'you are gonna regret what you said you piece of fuck'. Yup that was defiantly my brother's voice. who's he fighting this time?. I struggle through the crowd as I try to get a clearer view of the fight and then his opponent spoke; his voice making me freeze momentarily. 'You gonna make me? coz I don't regret shit at the moment bruv'. Calvin Rhodes. Wait why would he be fighting Calvin? I come back from my moment of shock as my mind is filled with confusion.

I reach the front in time to see them both breathing heavy, sweat and bruises covering their faces as they square up on one another. 'Ashton Stop!'. His eyes turn to face mine for a brief moment as he blinks in surprise. 'What is it Chels?' I motion to the back of the crowd where a few teaches were already pushing through trying to make their way to the front and his eyes widen as they are filled with understanding. With one more nod of gratitude, his off running to the other side of the crowd, and out of site. I'll ask him about it later I guess.

'What is going on here!' one of the teachers from the English department shouts with hands on her hips but it was useless as the crowd was long dispersed and Ashton and Calvin were nowhere to be seen.

I guess people who don't know about my past may wonder why people treat me the way they do. I mean, I'm pretty average in my appearance not ugly or anything: have an ok personality, ok grades. So why? It wasn't always like this. There was a time I had friends... time I had family... time I was well, happy. Then it happened. The moment that ruined my life forever. The day they... everything changed after that. One minute they were there and the next I found myself cold and alone in a graveyard. Feeling dark and empty, hopeless and crushed. Nothing would ever be the same. That's when the nightmares started and I fell so deep into depression completely shutting off any living creature. Stage two was when I started hallucinating. It got so bad that I would see them in public places and try to run after them to try to... I don't know I guess I just wanted to bring them back somehow. That's when I became the 'freak' girl and everybody started spreading rumors of how possessed or inhuman I was driving them all away. Then I was back to where I started... all alone.


hmmm wonder what happened eh?

i tried to just basically summarize bits of her everyday life in this chapter how did you guys like it?

there's more where this came from so don't forget to



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