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Name: Matthew Williams
Grade: 11th
Age: 17
Mental health disorder: Depression
Song quote that represents him: "please just take me any were ,any were but here"(Lifeline by Kenny Holland)
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Name : Gilbert Beilschmidt
Grade: 11th
Age: 17
Mental health disorder : none
Song quote that represents him : " Motherfucker , I'm Awesome! "(I'm Awesome by Spose )
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Matthews BackStory-
Matthew Williams is an A+ student but sufferers from depression ,causing him to cut himself and try his best to hide it. He's ignored and pushed around by his peers at school. He's very shy and anti-social most of the time. He's only noticed by his brother (Alfred F. Jones) , his teachers,parents, and his best friend / Crush, Gilbert Beilschmidt.
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Gilberts BackStory-
Gilbert Beilschmidt is a hyper student who almost gets in trouble alot. He usually hangs around with his younger brother (Ludwig ) and his best friend, Matthew Williams. He also has a crush on Matthew. He's one of few people who notice Matthew and who is actually friends with him.
Introduction to characters complete!

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