♡Chapter 2♡

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Matthews POV
My days went as normal
Go to school
Get bullied
Go home
Cover my wrists in scars
Cover the scars with my sweater
Go to bed
My days were basically hell. My parents were always out, my brother worked, and I really didn't go out much. I try to hide my feelings but it is hard sometimes. I usually cry when I get home, because I don't want them to see me cry, not even Gilbert. My brother was the only one who would see me cry, but he would never tell anyone. He's only a year older than me, So I trust him. The people who bully me are either in my grade, in the same grade as my brother, or in 9th or 10th grade. My teachers always ask me if I'm ok, but I'm really not.
Gilbert's POV
There's something I haven't seen, but I know it has to do with Matthew. I feel like he is hiding something from me, but I can't figure it out. I try to see if he's ok after school but he's usually gone by the time I get out. I knew his parents were usually out a lot  and that his brother worked, so I know there was no family problems. I know there's something I'm not seeing, and I wish I could see it, because I'd be able to help him.

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