Sex On Fire.

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"Your sex is on Fire!" I sang dancing around a laughing Hunter. Dressed in my Victoria's Secret black boy shorts paired with a red flannel that belongs to Hunter. "Ohhhh" he added onto mine and threw me over his shoulder.  Finally landing softly on my feet in front of him again, kissing his under ear softly. "This is the happiest I have ever been." Wrapping my arms around his waist, we rocked.

We pulled into Maisy's, my hand shaking with my application within it. I walked up to the register straightening my collar. "Hi, Kelly." I smiled weakly. Hunters presence behind me made comfort. "Oh my Gosh!" She squealed. "Aspyn! We missed you around here! Maisy said if I ever ran into you again to say your welcome back!" I looked at her straight in the eye, with a mischievous grin I slid the application over to her. Yet Another squeal escaped her lips as she jumped to counter and tackled me. After her hugging extravaganza, her eyes found their way up to Hunter. With a charming smile on both halves she pushed me out of the way. Stumbling with a concerned look on my face & biting my fingernails, hoping that Hunter wouldn't fall for her flirting - Her light brown hair, freckled face, fair skin & good boobs. "Who might you be?" I can almost hear the smirk in her voice. Hunters posture straightened alert to his current situation, "I'm Aspyns Boyfriend, Hunter" he smiled and walked over to me, holding my hand. Gleaming her bold smile she laughed and jumped back over the counter, " thAts okay.. I'm gay."

All dressed, I pinned the fly away piece of hair out of my face. Rolling up the sleeves of my red flannel uniform, I put my handwritten note on his bed beside him... Studying him.

Rolling over to wrap my arm around Aspyn and feeling an empty bed. I jumped up with reality hitting me... She's at work. I looked down at her empty spot realizing there was a plain piece of paper, I picked it up my mind reading into my head. It read -

"Babe I just want to say that I have never met someone who has made me feel so loved, so safe. I feel like I need to live now because of you! All the feelings you give me put me on top of the world. You put me together, piece by piece. You make me feel like a god damn Queen, like the sun was something built just for me. I've never really felt Alive till I met you, I never felt loved till I met you, I never felt accepted till you. I see a future now.. One with you in it. I want for one day to wake up next to you... To kiss you everyday... I love everything about you - from the crinkles you get when you laugh, to the mischievous smile I get when we're fucking around being dicks, to the way you pull me in when I'm too far, how you consistently make me feel beautiful, how your nose brushes against mine when we kiss, your hair, your flow, the way you got nervous, the way you let me sit in the front... I could go on for days, I love Everything. Thank you for being the light at the end of my tunnel Babe! Love you to forever and back. See ya after work Hon!".

I smiled to myself as I slipped into my pants. It's time for practice. Collecting all my equipment and slipping it into my large bag. As I drove the brisk October air flew through the few curls I left hanging over my forehead out of my beanie. Driving is a passion of mine.. Loved it since the day I got my license. I was no longer trapped, I could go wherever I felt I wanted to.. Even though I never did. My at pulled into the tight spot that was left and I lugged myself inside. I feel free, as though I am a god. Nothing can stop me, this is my rink, my territory. I shot my puck into the empty net.
"Warm ups are now over, finished your last shot. We'll be starting training today boys!" Coach Carrie called to the boys and I. My blades sailed across the ice smoothly as I huddled in with my family; Blu, Renny & Finn on my sides.
"Boys meet Keith, your trainer." We offered him a warm cheer for a welcome and skated into position.
Music started blaring throughout the arena, suddenly I heard the note. Smiling, I did the instructed muscle strengthens.

This girl has got me going punk.

Singing along, "This sex is on fire!" Out of habit.. Everyone looked at me.


Standing at the bus stop, clutching my black purse to my side. Brushing the loose strand of hair from my face as the cars sped past The old truck stop/cafe that is my workplace. Suddenly one silver, beaten lookin' car came to a halt directly beside me. Backing up slowly, my heart racing in my chest a head popped up over the roof. "Hey Assbutt, get in." Her blonde and brown hair swirled around her face. A grin spreading across my lips as I ran to the passenger side.
Laughing as Breaking Bad ended my phone vibrated. I pulled my phone out of my ass pocket and lit up the screen, "Chicago & La game is starting right now" I exclaimed. Kat flipped to that channel just as the puck hit the ice.

"Come on Ref! How was that a head shot? He was no where near his head! Dumbass!" I yelled at the small screen. "Damn this boys got you goin puck girl!" Kat laughed.

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