Part 1

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In a realm of total peace, a realm unplagued by disease, or famine, trouble of empire crushing magnitude is brewing. The land is named Nalfheinland, Sadic for 'Land of the Sun'. In a long forgotten town known today only as Old Kailo, a sadistic and insane general is gathering forces to create a kingdom of his own. That general, was only known as "Heik the Mauler," his real name lost to the annotes of history. He was respected and feared by both allies and rivals alike, and he has a notorious habit of impaling his rival commanders on stakes while still alive, and putting them in the caves underneath Old Kailo, where a horde of beasts known as Chuktols thrive. Chuktols are a sentient hybrid between giant fungi and dragons of the myths and legends in children's stories. The cave network underneath Old Kailo is rumored to be the size of three townships the size of Korai combined. Heik had only one rival he could not defeat, the legendary Amy Silvertail, the wielder of the Fairy's Sol, a legendary weapon of otherworldly power.

All of this begins in the outskirts of Moltina, as we come to General Heik and see just what he is planning. A dark conflict will be erupting shortly.

CH1: Moltina Outskirts

"Sir, we are approaching the outermost wall of Moltina." A ragged man in sharp, sleek, obsidian-black armor and a very intimidating blood red mask took notice and replied with " Very good, corporal, tell the archers to take positions in the siege towers, and let lieutenant colonel Yguiz know that he needs to get his juggernauts in position." "Yes, sir!" the soldier replied as he got on horseback and sped off. "There is no telling what kind of defenses this place could have, I cannot be too careful about my strategy." Heik said aloud to nobody in particular. Heik wrinkled his nose as though he had smelt something awful, and turned toward the back of his Legion and started walking with a swagger.


"There, there, and there, Archer towers. see 'em?" a dark, cloaked figure whispered."Yep, and I count at least twelve Jugers guarding them." A Legionic Juggernaut with iridescent blue armor trudged past the two rangers, not even bothering to check the shadows for enemy scouts."We need to get back to HQ, but there is too many of them for both of us to go back." the taller of the two scouts said with a sense of annoyance."Well, I'll distract them." the other scout said with a sense of false heroism." Don't, you won't even last ten minutes. I do have some friends inside the legion who will do anything for me, i'll see what they can do." the tall scout worriedly said. "Oh fine!" the other scout said with an irritated tone. The tall scout gave out his secret call to his friends in the Legion, however, those friends did not hear it. "Its been three hours, where in the blasted heck are they?" the younger,more naïeve scout impatiently asked. "They may be all the way on the other side of the Legion's formation. They are known to change formation positions randomly after all." "Yeah, you're right. Blast! Well what the heck are we supposed to do?" "No idea. However, we mustn't let this get our morale down.... we'll just have to rely on.... our Gijnx essence." "Our Gjinx essence?! We'll tear each other apart!" "Do you have any better ideas?"


"Crack!" Tree branches splintered as waves of blue-green light radiated and pulsated. "What the Ijdik is going on?!" a Iridicent Red Legionic juggernaut commander yelled. "They're in the trees! AHHH!!" "What the- Holy Vajik, get them off me, get them o-" Splashes of blood splattered on the trees, and soaked the ground to a dark red, almost black, Corpses littered the ground and there were about two dismembered Juggernauts scattered about. A man in a dark green cloak slowly walked out from the foliage, glowing blue-green, his eyes glowed red with the Gjinx essence. He brandished a four foot sword of pure mythril, and the hilt was engraved with rubies and sapphires. the blade glowed white hot, yet not melting, much to the Legion's suprise, and the tip was dripping the red blood of the Jggernaut commander. " What in the name of Isildana are you!?" a frightened Juggernaut grunt asked. "What am I? I'd ask you the same, before my eyes I see an abomination, a freak of nature, with no respect for peace, and no desire for anything but blood."the glowing man replied. He smirked, as this seemed to have an effect on the juggernauts that were now cowering before him."Please! Have mercy on us!, w-we were just following orders!" "W-w-we could help you! J-just, please, spare us!" they all pleaded, awaiting his reply in fear. The glowing man chuckled" I think not." and immediately raised his sword, "No,n-no, please, no!" "King Felijin II sends his regards!" and with that, he brought his sword down on the head of the nearest Juggernaut and the one blow killed all the Juggernauts within a fourty meter radius of him. Not even a drop of blood stained the ground, the attack only left bones, blackened from the heat from the ranger's Magma Vortex technique. The ranger's light faded and he half collapsed, half sat down, panting. "Well... that went.... well..... I wonder..... where units...... Bravo and..... Alpha.... are....."

Sol Fairy: Book One: The War of Sol Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now