Introduction: The Setting

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Many lifetimes ago there was a kingdom called Ignatis. Surrounded by mountains it had one powerful river that cut straight through the middle of the village, separating the wealthy and the poor. The rich people's homes were magnificent, extravagantly designed with pretty glass windows and high vaulted ceilings. Comfort was never far in the West part of the kingdom, with shops at every corner and servants always to be found when needed. The poor's homes were plain and square, with few rooms and less luxurious things. Their pillows were not stuffed with down, nor their beds anything more than simple cots. Yet the East district was filled with life, music always resounding throughout the streets. Colorful banners were brandished everywhere, splashing the drab houses with color and complicity. Artists painted the streets that children ran through, singing and shouting. Connecting the two worlds was a bridge, and the castle. The massive bridge had been standing as long as anyone could remember. It never swayed nor faltered, giving the citizens passage between the East and the West, and also access to the entrance of the Castle. It was a magnificent thing that towered towards the sky, it's white walls alway glistening wether it jbe day or night. The Castle floated over the river, supported by an invisible force no one could describe as anything other than magic. Magic still existed in this kingdom, but very few possessed the abilities to use it. Those with the powers to bend reality were feared, for it was often the magic would be used for evil and chaos. The only one anybody could be trusted to use magic were the Healers and the Royal Family. The Healers do exactly what their names suggest, they are Ignatis's doctors. The Royals however, are a long line of powerful magic users. The family has ruled justly for hundreds of years, protecting their people. But something is coming, will the Royals be enough to stop it?

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