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Nimeuh had seen him before. She was constantly in the library, there was no helping her from running in to him every now and then. They never spoke or acknowledged each other, just passed silently. When she was little she had tried to befriend him. It was a memory forever sealed in her mind.
She was barely six, still free to run and play throughout the castle. Today was different because Dimitri was sick, so she couldn't come to the castle with Cook. Little Nimeuh was bored and on the hunt for adventure, so she journeyed into the massive library. She had invented the idea that the library held monsters and secrets. As she skipped through the shelves of novels she would pretend to fight off a fiend of her imagination. She was so preoccupied she almost didn't notice the boy that was laughing at her. She paused and looked up at the tall boy with the strange eyes. When he didn't speak, she did. "Would you like to play too?"  The boy just laughed at her again and shook his head, backing away and turning, disappearing into old section of the library. When she followed she only got lost. The only way she managed to get out was when she found a trail of colorful glass pebbles dotting their way to the exit.
The pebbles are now in a bag thats always tied to her hip wether it be over or under her dresses. The boy never talked to her, never smiled toward her again after that day. It had made her sad, she always wondered if she had done something wrong. But Life goes on, she was a princess and had more pressing matters than a childhood rejection. Yet more and more often she found herself stealing glances whenever they passed. He had grown to be a handsome man, and the mystery of him was enticing. He never looked at her. I fact he made a point of looking at anything but her. He was doing it now as she shuffled through the shelves for a new book to read. Nihmeuh had read every one that she could easily reach, so now she was on her toes, stretching as high as she could but with her short stature she couldn't even grip the ledge. Giving up she sighed and relaxed, looking around for something to stand on. Walking around the corner hoping to find a stool, but returning to the same spot empty handed. Nimeuh was so frustrated at her height that she nearly missed the stack of books sitting on the floor. Looking back up at shelf she had failed to reach, she finds several books are missing. The princess smiles, knowing he had helped her. Picking up the leather bound dreams she carried them to main area of the library where several plush seats are sprawled about so scholars can read in or study in peace. She takes her favorite seat in the window sill, opening the first book on the top. There she sits and reads as the real world melts away, thrust into a new life. She's a brave knight bred to defeat the dragon that's plagued the world with evil. She is the one riding through enchanted forests, armor gleaming and her sword blazing with the fire of righteousness. Until she is snapped back into reality. The princess is unsure what caught her attention, but now she was listening to the old Librarian talk to the boy. " should really go. The festival will be the greatest of the century this year, so many flowers have bloomed." He was talking about the Spring Festival that the East citizens held. Flowers are strew everywhere they can be set, and sweets are made and given out. "You haven't gone in years. I have business to attend to tomorrow, and I can't have you in the house. I'm sorry to drop this on you so suddenly, but I just received the notice..." Nimeuh had stopped listening, the Librarian's business was not of her concern. The old man was kind and respectful, she shouldn't have been eavesdropping anyway. However now something else was on her mind. She had heard stories from the servants that the Spring Festival was one of the most beautiful things to experience. She had always wanted to go, but had never been permitted to do so. Next year she would be Queen, and after her coronation things like festivals will be something Nimeuh will never be allowed to enjoy. This was her last chance to see it. Nimeuh wasn't a rebellious girl, hardly broke the rules. But for some reason she desperately wanted to attend. And so she would. She was going to sneak out, and go to the Spring Festival.

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