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There are many books containing great escapes. Massive riots, plotted schemes, disguises and help from the 'outside'. Anyone could think up a plot, it's executing it that's the difficult part. Her particular plot was one that was going to require an entire day of acting. She would pretend to be sick, hardly eating or moving around. All of the castle staff knew not to disturb her when she was ill, only opening her door when she called for something. She never thought her irregular moments of sickness would ever come in handy. She forced herself to stay awake the majority of the  night before the festival, allowing her to look exhausted and tired. When her maid knocked on the door to bring in her breakfast, Nimeuh was prepared. Knock knock knock. "Come... Come in." Esmeralda, a petite blonde girl with pale skin, cautiously opened the door holding a silver tray. "Good morning, Princess-" she stopped short, looking at Nimeuh's sunken eyes and uncharacteristic lack of energy. The maid came in and quietly shut the door, setting the tray on a small table where the princess normally ate her breakfast. "Is there anything I can get you, miss?" Nimeuh smiled a small tired smile, dragging on her performance. "Water, please. Just a glass. I wish nothing more than to sleep." Esmeralda bowed her head. "I shall inform the staff of your condition, Princess." She picked up the tray and walked out. Nimeuh could hear her tell the stationed guards at her door to "leave the Princess to rest." A few moments later Esmeralda retuned with another tray holding a pitcher of water and a glass. She set them on the shelf next to the bed, filling the cup. "Thank you, sweet Esmeralda." Nimeuh's voice was soft and low, her performance award worthy. The maid smiled down at the sickly princess and nodded, then left silently. So far, her plan was working. Nimeuh really did sleep so she would have energy later tonight. Whenever someone knocked on the door she simply said: "I'm not suited for company at the moment." This cycle continued throughout the day until nightfall. The days were still ending a bit early, it was barely eight when the suns light was gone. No one would disturb her in the dark hours, so she climbed out of bed. She put on the plainest dress she owned. It was a simple blue one made of cotton with white trimmings. It gave her an almost dollish appearance with its half-sleeves of lace and delicate details. Even with its simplicity it was finer than what most had in the East. She fastened the pebbles around her hips and grabbed a black cloak securing the button at her collar. She grabbed a handful of coins and tucked them into her bosom. Satisfied she was ready to go, she walked to her terence and opened the glass doors. Directly below was the river, meaning no guards were stationed at the bottom. It wasn't her first time climbing the castle walls, she had done it on the few days she felt strong and capable. It wasn't without consequences though. When her parents found out they'd locked her in her room for a week. Not with cruel intentions, just trying to protect her from overexertion and death. Yet here she was, going to do it again. Nimeuh rolled her shoulders and popped her neck as she climbed onto the ledge of the terence. Gripping the wall she began her decent downward, feeling her way with her hands and feet. The moon was full, giving her just enough light to make out handholds. It was a slow and careful process but she made it to the base of the castle in good time. This was going to be the second hardest part of the plan, making passage across the bridge without getting caught. She climbed sideways around to the front of the castle, her dark cloak camouflaging her in the shadows. Two guards were stationed at the entrance, each holding a lamp and a VERY sharp spear. Nimeuh looked around for something to throw to distract them. A sizable rock was an arm length away, she started reaching. It was nearly in her hand, she just had to lean a little more- "WHO GOES THERE?!" One of the guards shouted. Nimeuh almost slipped as fear gripped her by the heart. Had she been seen? Chancing a look back over at the guards she came to the conclusion that it was in fact not her they were calling to. A man who couldn't quite walk straight was heading toward the entrance of the castle. His steps were unbalanced and oddly placed, and when he tried to speak it only came out as a slur of syllables. He's drunk she thought, not having seen an intoxicated man before. He fell at the guards' feet, laughing at a humor only he can sense. The guards watched in disgust as the drunk tried to stand only to fall back down. They sighed in unison, knowing they couldn't permit a drunk man to sleep at the castle doors. It took both the guards to lift and half-drag-half-carry the now unresponsive man away. Nimeuh smiled at her good fortune, scrambling up to the platform connecting the bride and the castle. She crouched down and pressed herself against the side of the stone railing. Holding the cloak tight against herself Nimeuh creeped forward, staying low and quiet. The guards were still preoccupied with the man, not having the time nor patience to notice a shadow moving across the bridge. An indescribable excitement bubbled forth as her slippered foot crossed the threshold separating smooth bridge from cobblestoned freedom. The rebellious princess rose to her full hight, bouncing in her toes. She had entered the East.

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