Just Imagine: Kevin❤️ (goes with my most recent preference)

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You've been keeping a secret from Kevin for awhile. Your afraid of dogs. You know it sounds silly but you have a very serious explanation for this fear that you have. Kevin doesn't know. "Hey Y/N did I tell you my family is thinking about getting a dog?" Kevin says. Starting to look frightened Kevin notices your reaction. "Babe is there something wrong? You seem lost." Kevin says confused. You didn't reply. Your just way too scared to tell Kevin. To you it's like a syndrome of something but you know to Kevin it will seem pathetic. "Why can't you guys just get a fish, or a turtle, or even a lizard?" You finally say. Looking over at Kevin you see him looking at you. Not being ready to talk about what's going on you get up and walk out of your room looking worried and scared. Your brother Jacob is currently mad at you and you don't know why. "Jacob" you say knocking on the door. No answer. "Jacob let me in" you say again. He opens the door, you look at Kevin who was watching from your doorway, and the you walk into his room. After 2 minutes, you walk out of your brother's room with your hand on your cheek. Tears streaming down your red beat face. "Y/N?" Kevin says. "He slapped me." You reply to Kevin. You walk down the stairs to the kitchen and grab a ice pack. "Come here Kevin." He comes down the stairs and you guys walk down to the basement so you can explain. You both sit on the couch. "It's time I tell you." You say. "Tell me what?" Kevin asks. "Jacob slapped me because I was way to scared to tell you that I'm afraid of dogs. That's why I was acting weird when you told me and why I looked so petrified. When I was 13 my friends and I had a sleepover in one of my friends barn. It was a very old barn but not too old that we couldn't sleep in it. We we're sleeping in sleeping bags and I got up to use the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and I came out of the porter potty and I seen 3 wild dogs staring at me. They were growling at me and before I knew it they came charging at me. They scratched at me everywhere. My face, my scalp actually ripping out some of my hair out, my stomach, legs, like literally everywhere. From that I developed PTSD. And if you get a dog I  won't be showing up at your house anymore because I literally have a fear of dogs but for not a pathetic reason and I'm sorry I don't want that to happen. But a dog running up to me to cuddle is me thinking there trying to attack me and I just can't ke-." Gco by Kevin. "It's ok Y/N. It's ok." He says wiping your tears away. "Why didn't you just tell me. I don't think it's pathetic. If you actually have a fear of dogs I'm telling my parents that we're not getting one because I don't want you to stop showing up at my house. Ok?" He adds sympathetically. You just nod. After that you guys lay down in his arms. "Don't ever be afraid to tell me things. Especially things like that ok?" Kevin says looking at you face to face. You lay your forehead on Kevin's and make your noses touch. "Ok." You reply. After you two kissed passionately.

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