Chapter 8- "Daddy it hurts"

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“Daddy!” Lillie cried from the couch.
She had woken up with a sore throat, and a runny nose. Piper said it was just her sinuses, and the weather changing.
I walked into the living room where she cuddled up to Piper who was rubbing her head.
“Do I has to go to school today?” She helplessly asked.
I looked at Piper, she shrugged her shoulders.
“If Piper says you do then yes” I said walking back to my room to finish packing for a road game in Minnesota.
“Thanks Jon!” Piper said. “Make me be the bad guy!”
“Do I have to go?” I know Lillie was looking up with pleading eyes.
“No sweetie you don’t” then I heard lip smacking which probably meant Piper had kissed Lillie’s forehead.
I smirked.
I walked back to the living room dressed in my suit, and bags in hand.
“Daddy it hurts” Lillie whined.
I kneeled in front of her. “What hurts baby girl?”
She patted her chest, throat, and forehead.
I felt her tiny forehead with the back of my hand. It felt a little warm. I grabbed the thermometer. She had a small fever of 100.
I called my mom and asked what to do. She said give Lillie some children’s Tylenol, for the fever, and some cough syrup to break up the cough. She told me that if the fever were to continue, put her in a tub of cold water and if still was going up, take her to the hospital.
“No mom Piper is taking care of her.” I said.
“Are you sure? You’re father and I can be on the next plane to Chicago”
“I will call you if anything changes. If she gets too sick, I’ll have you and dad come”
It was a battle just getting Lillie to take the cough syrup. It was killing me to have to almost force feed it to her. Before I knew it was time to leave.
“How long are you going to be gone for?” Lillie asked with a pitiful look on her tiny face as she laid on the couch.
“One night sweetie. I’ll be home late tomorrow night.” I said rubbing her soft chocolate curls.
“Do you have to go?” She asked on the verge of tears.
I nodded. I knew if I didn’t get out of there I’d end up bawling like a baby.
“It’s my job babe” I said. “But Piper’s going to take good care of you. And if you get really sick, I’ll be on the next plane back ok?”
She nodded and gave me a kiss. “Love you daddy”
“Love you too baby girl”
Piper walked me out. “You sure you’ll be ok to deal with this?” I asked slinging my bag over my shoulder.
“Don’t worry about us Jon” She said looking up at me. “I’ve got things under control. I promise to call you if something major happens”
I nodded, then leaned down and kissed her, then left.
It killed me to watch my little girl sick. It’s just one night.
We landed in Minnesota, I turned on my phone too see I had a text from Piper, telling me to call her.
“Hello” Piper said.
“Is everything alright?” I asked, not bothering to say hello, or any type of greeting.
“Lillie’s fever went up. It was 101.5, last time I checked.” She said as calmly as she could.
I sighed as I walked to the bus. “Did you put her in a cold bath?” I asked.
“She’s in the tub right now.”
“Is that daddy?” I heard a faintly in the background.
“Sweetheart stay in the tub, we need your fever to go down” I heard Piper say sweetly.
“I want to talk to daddy” I heard Lillie plea with Piper. She wasn’t screaming, or even being bratty about it. It was like she was pleading her case infront of judge.
“Put her on” I said firmly.
I heard some rustle in the background.
“Daddy?” I heard her now raspy tiny voice say. I could tell she was losing her voice.
“It’s me baby girl” I said.
“It hurt’s really bad daddy” she said.
“I know. Piper’s doing everything she can to make you feel good”
She coughed. “I know. I just want you”
I knew this was bound to happen. Lillie would get sick, and I wouldn’t be able to help her feel better. Piper was doing her best to be that mother role, but it’s hard to fill the actual role of a parent.
“I know. Just think, if you get some rest and sleep, time will fly faster and I’ll be there faster.”
“Ok” She said sadly.
“I love you” I said.
“Love you too Daddy”
“Put Piper back on ok?”
I heard her hand the phone back to Piper.
“She didn’t mean that Piper”
“Jon its ok” she said. “I would want my daddy too if I was sick. I get it. My feelings aren’t hurt”
I reminded her to call me if her temp got to 103, and then ended our conversation with that.
“What’s wrong with Lillie?” Carbomb asked from the seat next to me with a concerned tone. Lillie had taken a liking to her Uncle Daniel, and the same went for him.
“She’s sick, and running a temperature.” I said rubbing my face.
“Is she ok?” He asked. For being a big tough guy on the ice, he was sure a softie for my daughter.
“She’s lethargic. But that’s normal for a sick kid right?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “You’re asking the wrong guy. I know nothing about sick children”
My child was the oldest of all the Hawks children. So I had no one to ask advice from.
We arrived at the hotel and crashed. We had a light dinner, and then I retreated back to my room. Some of the guys wanted to go out for some drinks, but I didn’t want to miss a call from Piper if something happened with Lillie.
I was lying in bed watching Friends reruns when I heard my phone going off on the nightstand. I saw Piper was calling.
I quickly grabbed the phone, answering it. “What’s wrong?” I asked.
“Jon something is really wrong with Lillie” She said like she’s about to cry.
“What happened?” I asked sitting up in bed.
“Her temperature spiked up to 104. I tried everything I could to make it go down. I put her in another cold bath, put a cold wash cloth on her forehead, I gave her popsicles. Nothing worked. I’m driving to the hospital right now” she said.
“Ok, I’ll be on the next flight to Chicago” I said throwing a pair of track pants and jacket. I didn’t unpack too much. I grabbed my bags and was walking out the door.
“Jon you have a game tomorrow!”
“Yeah but my daughter being in the hospital is more important than having a game”
I heard her sigh. “Ok, I’ll see you when you get here”
I hung up the phone, and instantly found Coach’s room, telling him my situation. He was a little upset, but he understood, since I’m Lillie’s only parent. I called my mom on the way to the airport, telling her that Piper took Lillie to the hospital. She said my dad and her would be there as soon as possible.
I was on the next flight into Chicago within an hour.
Once I got off the plane I rushed to the hospital.

“Excuse me sir?” The lady at the front desk said as walked into through emergency. “Can I help you?”
“Yes where’s Lillie Toew’s?”
She typed in the name.
“She’s still in emergency, room 119”
“Thank you” I said rushing into ER.
I ran down the hall, until I found room 119. I turned to find Piper sitting there with a cup of coffee, but no Lillie.
“Jon!” she got up from her seating, setting her coffee down. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

“I’m so sorry Jon” I said. “I didn’t know what else to do.
“You did what you knew to do.” I said wrapping my arms around her, and rubbing her back. “Where’s Lil?” I asked.
“They just took her to get chest x-rays.”
Looked into her eyes, I could tell she had been crying. Her makeup was gone, and her eyes were left red and puffy.
“Everything is going to be alright” I said.
She nodded, and then laid her head on my chest.
“I love you and Lillie so much” I heard her muffle into my chest.
I knew she could feel my heart race. I loved Piper. I loved Piper long before we had even gotten together.
I leaned down and gently kissed her lips. “I love you too” I said. “We’re going to get through this” I promised.
She nodded. “They weren’t going to let me go back with her, since I’m not a parent” She said.
“What did you tell them?” I asked.
“Nothing. Once I told them Lillie’s last name and they didn’t question anything”
I smiled. Living in this city has some perks.
“Well look whose here?” I heard someone say behind me.
Piper and I separated, and I turned to see them push Lillie back in on a hospital bed. They had an IV in her tiny arm, and she was dressed in her Tinkerbell pajama’s and pink stripped socks. She had her arm tightly wrapped around Patty Cake.
“Hey baby girl” I said kissing her forehead.
“You’re back” She said tiredly.
I nodded. “You’re more important than a game”
She smiled, and then rested her head the pillow.
“I’m really cold Daddy” She said pulling the thin sheet around her.
I felt her head, it was burning up.
“What’s her temperature?” I asked the nurse who was taking care of Lillie.
The nurse took her temperature. “104.5”
I looked at Piper who was mimicking the same worried look on her face, as mine.
“Is that bad?” Lillie asked.
I nodded my head. “Yeah but the doctors are going to help fix that”
Lillie fell asleep before the doctor came in.
“It looks like Lillie has a real bad case of pneumonia, and she’s pretty dehydrated too. Did she have anything to drink or eat today?” He said looking at the x-rays.
“I gave her some chicken broth and some orange juice earlier today, and she had a popsicle about an hour before I brought her in.” Piper said.
The doctor nodded. “We’re going to have to keep her for a couple days. She doesn’t need to be out in the cold right now, especially at how young she is. Do you two have any family here to help?” The doctor asked.
“Oh well, I’m not…….” Piper began.
“Yeah my parents are coming in.” I said cutting her off.
“Good.” the doctor said. “We’ll have them take her up to pediatrics.”
I nodded. “Thank’s Doc” I said.
He left the room.

“Your parents are coming?” Piper asked.
I nodded. “Is that a problem?” I asked.
“No, of course not” She said. Piper and my parents haven’t officially met. They met her in passing from coming to the games, but not as my girlfriend.
They took Lillie up to the pediatric ward, and got her settle. Piper went and got some clothes for the three of us, mostly for Lillie. Then she said she would pick of some food for us.
I looked at my watch it was just going on 9:45. Lillie was all tucked in, and sound asleep. The doctors gave her some medication to help her sleep.
“Mr. Toews” I heard from the door way. I looked up from rubbing her head. “You have two visitor’s here would you like us to send them back?”
I nodded. “Yes please”
I knew it was after visiting hours but they were letting them back anyways.
Not even five minutes later, two familiar figures appeared at the door.
“Baby” My mom said as she grabbed my face kissing my cheeks. Then she quickly moved to Lillie’s side.
“Hey Dad” I said giving him a hug.
“How is she?” He asked concerned.
I watched my mom as she felt Lillie’s head. “She has a bad case of pneumonia and was dehydrated. They’re keeping her for a few days.” I said watching my mom and daughter. “Thanks for coming” I said.
“Son she’s our only grandchild. Your mother was going crazy not knowing if she was ok or not”
I smiled. I could see my mother losing her mind over her granddaughter.
I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled my phone out to see Piper was calling me telling me that she forgot the parent pass they had given the two of us to get into the ward without any problems. Even though Piper wasn’t her mother, we said she was Lillie’s nanny.
I walked down to the desk to see Piper with a bag over her shoulder and holding a plastic bag in each hand.
I grabbed the overnight bag from off her shoulder. “My parents just got here” I said grabbing one of food bags from her hand to I could hold her hand.
“I thought I saw them going up the elevators” She said.
We walked into the room. My mom was tending to Lillie while my dad had his legs propped up watching TV.
“Mama and Dad, you remember Piper” I said setting the overnight bag in the corner of the room.
My mom smiled. “Yes. Stan’s assistant right?”
Piper smiled as she pulled out the food from the bag. “Yes ma’am”
“How are you doing sweetie?” My mom asked.
“Well good, just this little scare with Lillie probably put some wrinkles on my face and gave me some gray hair today”
My mom smiled. “I’m glad Jon has someone he can trust with Lillie”
“I don’t know, after today, he might not want to leave me with his daughter again”
I smiled.
“Jon told me you two were coming, so I got enough food for the four of us”
“Jon I like her already” My dad said as he grabbed a sandwich then went back watching his TV.
I watched Piper as she made me a plate. “How’s Lillie?” She asked quietly.
“She fell asleep shortly after you left”
“She needs her sleep”
“Did she wake up like this?” My mom asked wanting to know every detail.
“Well she’s been complaining of her chest hurting and throat hurting for the last few days. Then she woke up this morning with a runny nose, and barely able to talk” I said. “I took her temp and that’s when I called you.” I said grabbing the plate from Pipper.
“Jon told me what you told him. Her temp kept going up. I did everything I knew what to do. I gave her children’s Tylenol, and cough syrup, I put her in a cold bath, I put a cold wash cloth on her forehead, I gave her popsicles thinking that would make the fever go down, but nothing worked. She kept complaining her chest hurt and she had this really deep cough. So I took her temperature and it went from 102 to 104 in less than a few hours. So I called Jon telling him I was taking her to the hospital”
My mom nodded like she was impressed. “You did everything you were supposed to do Piper”
“Are you sure you’re not a mom?” my dad asked.
Piper laughed. “Yes sir I’m very sure”
I told my parents Piper and I was staying at the hospital. I walked them down to their rental.
“You picked a keeper Jon” my dad said in the elevator as he slapped my shoulder.
“So guys like her huh?” I asked.
My mom nodded. “We love her. She’s a very sweet girl. I can tell she loves Lillie just as much as she loves you.” My mom said as she pulled on her gloves. “You don’t find that too often Jon. Most girls that you’ve only been with for a month wouldn’t be staying with you at the hospital with your daughter. She’s one of a kind. Don’t let go of her”
I smiled. This was the first time in a while my parents had met a girlfriend of mine. And a definite first for them really liking a girl I was dating.
I said goodbye to them, after they promised they would be here first thing in the morning.
I walked back up to the room. To find Piper changed into a pair of yoga pants and t-shirt. She was laying on the pull out bed they offered us, with the lights off.
I climbed underneath he covers, pulling her into me.
I guess this was just another day as a dad.

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