Chapter 7- "You ready for that quickie?"

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We had just ended our Circus trip. It didn’t bother me that I missed Thanksgiving with Lillie. I had spent Canadian Thanksgiving with Lillie so I at least spent one holiday with her. It confused her at first, but once I explained what was going on, she understood that she got more pie.
Piper had taken her to her families for turkey day, treating her like her own daughter. I was so grateful for Piper. She had really stepped into the shoes as Lillie’s mother figure. When I talked to Piper on the phone that night she told me how her parents loved Lillie and how Lillie sat in her dads lap while he watched football and Lillie ate her pie.
We had officially kind of started dating. I finally asked Piper if she’d want to be my girlfriend. Then a couple of days before I left, we told Lillie that Piper and I were dating and asked if she were ok with it. She looked at us with confused look then said “I thought she already was.” Easier than I thought.
I walked off the plane fully expected to catch a ride home with Kaner or Seabs. It was close to three in the morning. I didn’t even think Piper would consider taking Lillie out this late.
“Daddy!” I heard.
I looked up from my phone to see Piper in a pair of yoga pants and parka holding Lillie who was dressed in her PJ’s and a winter jacket, leaning back against my truck I lent to Piper. Both girls had their hoods up and gloves on Lillie with her pink Ugg boots and a scarf wrapped tightly around her face. Piper was smirking, and Lillie was wearing a wide smile. I could tell Piper wasn’t wearing any make up and she was wearing her thick rimmed glasses.
Piper set Lillie on her feet, and she came running towards me.
I lifted her up and hugging her tightly. “I missed you baby girl” I said into her hair then kissing her forehead.
“We missed you more” She said hugging my neck tightly then pulling back to give me a kiss.
I laughed, and walked back over to Piper, and placed a soft kiss on her lips. “We missed you so much” she said against my lips.
“That’s what I’ve been told” I said. “I missed you guys too. I thought you’d have her in bed by now”
“Lillie demanded we surprise you by showing up” Piper said. “Try saying no to a little girl who hasn’t seen her daddy in two weeks”
“I’m glad you guys did”
We waited for my bags. Lillie wouldn’t let me but her down for a second. Every time I tried to put her down she tightened her grip around my neck.
Piper put my bags in back while I strapped Lillie in.
Before we even got out of the airport parking lot Lillie was sound asleep.
“Do you want to stay the night with us, or do you want me to drop you off at your place?” I asked.
“I’ll stay with you guys if that’s ok?” She said unsure as I grabbed her hand.
“Of course it’s ok”
“Did she have any bad dreams while I was away?” I asked.
She nodded. “The first week she slept with me, then she said she was a big girl and she could sleep by herself”
I laughed, than looking at my Lillie in the rear view mirror as she slept in her booster seat. If I listened closely I could hear her little snores.
We got home and I put Lillie too bed.
I walked in to find Piper pulling her yoga pants off, leaving her in one of my Canadian Tire t-shirts. I loved it when she wore my shirts. Knowing she was in nothing but a pair of panties was so hot to me. I undressed and pulled on a pair of sweats. I climbed into bed pulling her into me. I smelled the sheets and pillows.
“You stayed here didn’t you?” I asked.
She was facing me, her head lying in the crook of my neck with her arms wrapped around me. I felt her head nod up and down. I looked down and she had her eyes closed.
“Your place is closer to Lillie’s school and I couldn’t fit your big ass truck in my parking spot at my place.” She said softly. “You’re daughter wears me out. I’m too tired to do anything with you” she said. “And I’ve been hot for you since that night in San Jose.”
I laughed. I let my hands cheat underneath her shirt, and cupped her cute little ass through her cotton boy shorts pulling her closer into me. One night while I was on the road we tried the whole phone sex thing. It was pretty nice. She definitely painted a beautiful picture for me. Still it wasn’t as good as the real thing.
“I’m tired too babe” I said.
I felt her lips on the side of my neck. She grabbed one of my hands from her bottom and interlaced her fingers.
I shut off the lights.
“Night Jon” she said.
“Night Piper” I said.
I don’t know how long I was asleep for.
“Daddy” I heard softly. Then I felt a tap on my forehead. I opened one eye to see Lillie standing in the dark in her PJ’s and holding her Patty Cake by the neck.
“What are you doing up baby girl?” I asked wiping the sleep from my eyes.
“I has a really bad dream”
I sighed.
I picked her up and set her on the bed.
“Sweetie what’s wrong?” Piper said as I got Lillie settled in between Piper and I.
“I has another really bad dream Piper” She sweetly as she cuddled up to my side laying her head on my chest.
Within minutes Lillie was fast asleep. I leaned down and kissed her forehead. I looked over too see Piper smiling, as wrapped her arms around Lillie.
“She has me wrapped around her finger doesn’t she?” I whispered.
Piper nodded. “Yeah she has both of us”
I laughed, and leaned over Lillie to give Piper a quick kiss.
I woke up with the sun gleaming through my huge floor to ceiling window.
“Daddy” I heard Lillie softly say from her spot next to me. “Daddy is you awake?” She whispered.
“Five more minutes baby girl”
She rested her head back on my chest and wrapped her chubby arms around my neck and had one arm around Piper. It wasn’t a particular a comfortable position, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. This is what it would be like to have a family with Piper. But that was way into the future.
“Daddy?” Lillie asked in a hushed voice.
“Yes baby girl?”
“I’m hungry. Can you make me breakfast?” She asked looking at me like a starving child.
I looked at the clock it was close to 10; we got close to six hours of sleep.
I stretched and got out of bed. Lillie sat up in bed and watched me put a t-shirt on. Once I was dressed Lillie hopped off the bed, as I brought the covers around Piper to keep her warm, and kissed her forehead. Lillie grabbed my extended hand, leaving Piper to catch some more sleep.
I lifted her up on to the counter by the stove as I started mixing the pancake batter. She was swinging her legs back and forth.
“Can you make how Grandma made them?”
“Sure thing princess” I said going to grab the chocolate chips.
She giggled. We made pancakes together. She would laugh at me when I made a small mistake and then told me when I was doing it wrong. I enjoyed these small moments like this. I didn’t get to spend a whole lot of time raising my daughter but when I did I took every single advantage I could. I was trying to be the best dad I could possibly be.
I heard the sound feet padding down the wood floors of my hall way. A moment later Piper turned into the kitchen with her yoga pants on.
“Why didn’t you wake me?” Piper asked with a yawn. “I would have made you guys breakfast” she said looking up at me.
I leaned down and placed a small kiss on her lips.
“Because Lillie asked me, and I knew you were tired”
“You’re too sweet” she said kissing my cheek. “Wanna help me set the table Lillie Pad?” She asked Lillie.
Lillie agreed. I watched my two girls set the table together. Piper would have Lillie go get items like milk and orange juice from the fridge to put on the table. I knew it made Lillie feel important, and needed.
I brought the batch of pancakes out to the table.
Piper made Lillie’s plate for her, cutting her pancakes for her and poured syrup on the pancake.
I watched the two interact as I ate my normal pancakes. Piper made Lillie giggle and smile like I’ve never seen before.
“What are you smiling about?” Piper asked as her foot ran up and down the shin.
“I’ll tell you later” I said stuffing a bite in my mouth.
We cleaned up, and I got Lillie dressed. While I was getting dressed Piper walked in wearing a jean skirt with a sweater and tights.
“So are you going to tell me what you were smiling like idiot during breakfast?”
“I was just smiling at how amazing you are with my daughter” I said pulling a long sleeve thermal on.
She smiled. “She makes it easy Jon” She said coming up and hugging me. “You’re raising a sweet girl. It’s hard not to fall in love with her”
“You know what’s hard?” I said cupping her ass.
“Jon…..” She said blushing. “Lillie is just down the hall”
“You can be quiet can’t you?” I said into her ear as my hands cheated underneath her top. I nibbled my way up and down her neck. “Just a quickie babe”
I knew I was driving her over the edge.
“Remember you love her” Piper whispered into my neck.
I smiled. Yes I loved my daughter more than anything. I’m also a man; a man with needs.
“I promise tonight” She said before kissing my neck. “I’ll even throw in that lingerie that I got while Lillie was at school last week”
I lifted my eye brow.
“It’s so sexy” She said whispering in my ear.
“Can you at least tell me what color your underwear is?” I asked looking into her eyes.
“I can’t do that”
“Why?” I whined as she grabbed my hand and dragged me towards
“Because I’m not wearing any” she said going to open the door.
I groaned. “Piper you’re killing me”
“This whole whining this is not very becoming”
“Daddy someone’s at the door” Lillie said from her spot on the floor coloring.
Piper went and sat on the couch while I went and answered the door.
“What’s up!” Kaner came bursting through the door with Allie in hand.
“What are you doing here?” I asked as he kicked off his shoes.
“Figured we could have a little Mario Kart tourny” he said dragging the petite blonde through. “Hey Piper” he said as he came around the corner.
Lillie’s ears piped right up. “Uncle Patty!” she said running over to him.
He lifted her up, and she hugged his neck.
Allie went and sat by Piper.
“How’s my girl doing?” He asked, as he set her back on the floor, then went back over to hook the Wii up.
“Good” she said following him. “Daddy made pancakes this morning”
“He did?” He said.
“Yes! They were yummy!”
He laughed. “You can tell me the truth Lillie I won’t tell him”
“Haha” I said.
“Ready to get you’re as…I mean butt kicked” He said quickly correcting himself.
He threw me the controller, and started playing.
I hated to lose. Absolutely hate to lose. But I didn’t want Piper or Allie to think I was a jerk; and I definitely didn’t need Lillie too see me lose my cool, especially since she’s only four. So it was a battle with myself to lose a few rounds. We both won three, so I was good.
“Daddy can I play?” Lillie asked from her spot in Pipers lap, as Piper ran her fingers through my daughters soft curls.
“I don’t know Lillie. You might be too little for this game”
“Jon let her play one game” Piper said.
“Yeah babe let her play one game” Kaner said mocking Piper and I.
I sighed. “Fine. Come here” I said from my spot on the floor.
Lillie slide off Pipers lap, and ran and plopped herself in my lap.
I set the game up for her and Kaner.
“Ok, hold onto the controller” I said quietly.
She started off good; well as good as a four year old could do.
“I win!” She said jumping up and hugging my neck.
“You lost to a four year old Pat” Piper teased.
“Oh shut up” he said smiling. He hated to lose like me, but I know he let her win. He’s a little less competitive than me. Not much, just a little.
Lillie gasped. “Uncle Patty shut up is a mean phrase!”
Everyone laughed, including Kaner. Lillie was too cute sometimes.
We ordered pizza, and Kaner and Allie left around ten thirty. I gave Lillie a bath and put her to bed shortly after they left.
I walked into the room to see Piper pulling this burgundy lace nighty with matching thong. It was completely see through, and extremely sexy. Her hair was down from the day, and she was facing the window.
“Wow” I finally said.
She turned, and smiled. “You like?”
“Oh my God Piper.” I said walking over to her. “Step away from the windows, someone might see you” I said lifting her and carrying her to the bed.
She laughed. “Like who? Some crazy fan girl with binoculars and a box of donuts?”
I silenced her with a heated kiss.
“You ready for that quickie?” She asked.
I pulled my shirt over my head. “Honey, we have two weeks of sex to make up on. I planning on going at it all night”

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