Chapter 12- The Alpha Basilisk

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"Hey, Jace!" I called. "We're looking at this ugly thing, and all of us are fine!"

"I noticed." he remarked, keeping his stare on the Alpha Basilisk.

"Strange. I thought you said-"

The boss' eyes suddenly glowed brightly and it reared up. All of a sudden, I felt my muscles all tense unconsciously, freezing me in place and not allowing me to move.

"Look away!" Jace yelled.

Forcing my head to turn to the side, my body finally relaxed and I could move again. Sneaking a glance at it, I found that we could look at it again.

"We need to learn more about this paralysis attack! How long it lasts, when we can look at it again." I said. They nodded in agreement.

For 10 minutes, we ran around the room, dodging strikes from the Alpha Basilisk and learning more about its paralysis attack.

Eventually, after many tries, we figured out that before it executed the move, it would rear up and its eyes would glow red. After its eyes glowed, we only had about 1 second to look away. Then we had to look away for 3 to 5 seconds to avoid being paralyzed. While we were looking away, the Alpha Basilisk had about two seconds to attack us while we covered our eyes.

If we were paralyzed, the effect would wear off once everyone else could look at it again. If we looked away in time but glanced back too early, we would still get paralyzed.

"Alright. I think we got enough information. Let's go on the offensive!" I yelled.

"My muscles are so sore..." Kira groaned. "I had to look purposely at the damn thing so many times..."
"Well, now we get to beat it up!" I pulled out my sword and rushed at it. "Volt Charge!"

Crackling with electricity, I shot forward, my blade in front of me. However, I did minimal damage, my weapon bouncing off its hard scales. I swore and started circling it, dodging its razor-sharp fangs while retaliating with swift strikes from time to time. Meanwhile, Jace slowly inched forward, holding his sword out defensively. Amber and Kira launched a volley of spells and arrows at the Alpha Basilisk, keeping it on the defensive.

"Incinerate!" Jace summoned, pointing his hand at the boss. A huge stream of fire shot forth, burning it.

"Breath of Life!" Amber used her Skill as well, healing all four of us back to full health.

I was about to go in for a strike when its eyes glowed red. "Jace, fall back and cover your eyes!" I commanded, backing up. I wasn't going to let it attack either of us while we were covering our eyes.

We're doing good. I thought gleefully. We should be able to take it down ourselves at this rate.

Then I heard a cry.

Not bothering about the 5 seconds, I immediately uncovered my eyes and whipped my head around frantically, trying the identify the source of the yell.

I gasped when I saw it.

The Alpha Basilisk had somehow managed to wrap its tail around Jace, and was holding him tightly. He was valiantly trying to whack its tail with his sword, but to no avail

Kira rushed forward, her staff glowing with energy. She launched spell after spell at it, finally getting its health to the yellow zone. But the the Alpha Basilisk's eyes glowed and she froze mid-stride. Dropping Jace's limp body, it lashed out with its tail and knocked Kira aside, throwing her against the wall.

"No, no, no..." Everything was going wrong. We had been doing so well, and then...

Panic rose and bubbled to the surface. My heart beat wildly in my chest. We were all going to die, we were all going to die...

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