Hi everyone so I've decided that I'm going to finish up.

I Love Him For The Way He Is 'Unstable'

First before I put to many books out and get stressed out sense it won't be summer forever and school is very frustrating and takes up a lot of my time which excuse my language.


I find it crazy I have to choose between my own emotional,mental, and physical health and be happy and care for myself and feel good all the time and be involved in the world of people around me.


I have to push aside everything and everyone and focus on school 24/7 yes even on weekends.

However I'm going to try and not focus so much on school it may stress me out but I don't think it's right I have to choose between the rest of my entire life or school life.

School may be my like job or that's what I hear but I won't have that forever. Plus don't teachers or other people say you have to plan out your life after high school.

Yeah I'm doing that but they always tell me I must focus on school?????!??


You tell me to make a future for myself but focus on school?! That's difficult when your trying to prepare and school is always in the way but most assume that you want to go to college?!


I can't even stand the rest of the time I have. Why should I pay a lot of money to stress out for more years and I may only end up with a piece of paper?! Yes it's possible that you can't get a job that you went to college for.

You may of not heard of it but it does happen.

I can't even stand the word college.

Ew makes me want to throw up I'm not going to college. I'm going to wrestle and if that doesn't work I could be a interviewer, ring announcer, possibly commentator or even a referee.

I know referee and possibly commentator aren't common but come on wouldn't that be amazing it's always been men doing those things. Sure there's special guest referee's or being joined to speak, but not as full time.

I'd love to see something new like that.

Sorry for a rant lol but I'm going 1 by 1 for books being wrote.

So yeah that's it from me.

I'll ask later as well but I need a few more people to tell me what they would like to see for a book.

I've picked it down to 2.

Enzo Amore and Big Cass


The Vaudevillians
- Aiden English
- Simon Gotch

Let me know and vote or comment or even both. No pressure.

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