Hey everyone and omg 100 reads!


Also I have new book ideas I know I get so many but my head like one to another and it's kinda fun but I try my best to write more on books that are actually published on here.

So my new ideas are:

AJ Styles
Zack Ryder
Dolph Ziggler
Seth Rollins

And yes I have other ones in mind I've talked about before.

However I do have a book that's based off of kinda everyone in the WWE and NXT and it is quite different from the other books that show up online.

Tell me if you would want to see something like that at one point.

I do warn however I may not release like 5 books at once I'm thinking of 1 at a time unless it's books like this or my rants or cover making for people.

I'm planning on only 1 or maybe 2 at a time because of school it takes up quite a bit of my time but whenever I do get time I write.

But tell me about the books I've just listed and even about the book that's kinda based off of everyone.

Make sure to vote and comment or one of the 2 or not at all. No pressure. ❣

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