Chapter 12

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Hiiii! Wanted to thank you guys for reading this fanfic! Can't believe it already reached 12K! Thank you so much!! Love youuuu! 


*Harry's POV*

Apparently our teacher is sick and there wasn't any teacher available for us.

 I was walking on the hallway when someone pulled me harshly 

"What the fuck?" 

"I should be the one saying that! Who gave you the fucking right to touch my girlfriend?"

"Girlfriend?" I asked confused

"Yeah girlfriend. Taylor, remember her?" he said

"I do! And for the record I haven't touched your little princess. In case you haven't noticed I respect woman and I didn't hit her but I would if she didn't stop hurting Eleanor" I said

I wasn't scared at all. I had to deal with fucking pricks who thought they were better than everyone, all my life.


Did he fucking punch me? 

"You will regret touching me. Mark my words" I said angry.

Who in hell does he think he is?

" What you're going to do? Hit me like a pussy?" he said

" You don't know me or what I'm capable of. So I suggest that you sleep with an eye open" I said and walked away

I spotted Eleanor and walked towards her

"Hi Eleanor! Are you ready to go home?" I asked and got no answer

"Eleanor, are you hearing me?" I asked again


"I was asking if you were ready to go home"

"Oh yeah. Lets go" she said

" What happened with Scott?" she asked as we entered my car

"Nothing you need to worry" I said 

The drive wasn't long. We were  at her house in 10 minutes

"This is it. Thanks Marcel" she said as we arrived at her house

"You're welcome and good luck. Call me if you need anything" I said and she nodded

She got out of the car and I drove away.

I took my phone out to call Simon


“Hi! It’s Harry!” I said

“I know it’s you! How are you?”

“Bad! I need you to send someone, it can be Cal”

“Why?” he asked

“I need to go to the gym”

“Let me guess- you’re angry” he said

“ You know me too well”

“I’ll send Cal. He’ll meet you at your flat” he said and I thanked him before hanging up



“Oh, look who decided to come back home” she said

“What are you doing here?”

“Well, since you were busy rebelling against your parents, I’ll explain. My mum sent me here to stay with you guys” she said smirking

“Sandra, darling who’s at the door?” I heard my mum’s voice

The Fake Nerd [Harry Styles//Marcel] EDITING✔Where stories live. Discover now