
12 2 6

Ilona: *sitting in a chair* *sigh*
Aysel: hiiiiii!! What's the problem?
Ilona: you.
Aysel: •^•

Scourge: hey babe ;)
Roosje: I have a friend who is obsessed with fire.
Scourge: yeah, and?
Roosje: he kills you if you go on with flirting.
Pip: *grabs roosje* try it and your dead •^•
Scourge: -^-
Pip: •^•

Scourge: hey~
Joyce: roses are red
Violets are blue
I have five fingers
And the middle one is for you
Scourge: ... b*tch
Joyce: well thank you for your opinion. Not that I'm gonna listen to it
Scourge: -_-

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