Chapter 6

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After the movie, we went to my home .

Yeah "we "means he came by his car ,while I took an auto.

We  entered home .

His parents and mine are having dinner.

"So here they come, these kids are always busy than us "chuckled Mr. Arun Dobriyal.

Yeah, come on kids we all were waiting for you guys. Where did you go? said his mom, Geetha dobriyal.

Mom! we went for a movie he replied looking at me.

Whatever differences we have , we don't want to ruin the friendship between our families .

We joined them in dinner.

They are having some conversation which I couldn't hear.... coz he was sitting beside me.

I  felt really awkward. I sensed he too was uncomfortable sitting next to me.

My chain of thoughts broke when my mom called out my name loud.

Yes mom!!

What are you thinking? We are asking you why didn't you like Aaryan? She asked.

Mom, I'm not yet ready for marriage. So stop bothering me , I hissed..

You don't understand aditi, Aaryan's family is very good. I know that boy is also good. He has respect towards elders, he is very humble, genorous and a responsible person. If you would marry him, you will be the luckiest girl!!

Mom please!! Why don't you understand?

Anshu leave it. She will get marry when she was ready for it. Let's not bother her,said aunt geetha to my mom.

Oh, Thanks a lot aunt. I mentally praised her for supporting me. She always does it for me.

Aditi, it's not like you are in love? Are you??  She asked with  cocking her eyebrows.

And here she goes, before a minute I praised her and now she dropped me into bigger problem.  I yelled.

Aditya is she telling the truth?She don't have a boyfriend right!! she asked her son.

He turned towards me and said , No mom she doesn't have a boyfriend".

Thank god! Aditya why don't you talk to her. She will listen to you. Tell her to marry Aaryan!! my dad asked him.

"Oh dad"you too!! 

Aditi why are you being stubborn. If they are insisting you this much, why don't you marry him,  Aditya smirked looking at my pale face.

What!! He too. He knew that I love him, then why is he talking like that?

Enough!! I don't want to talk to anyone. And stop giving me suggestions , I said looking at him.

Why the hell you guys are being so stubborn. Leave me alone. If you guys still force me in marrying that guy, I will leave house.... I  yelled as I went to my room and banged the door without listening to them.

I don't mind, if my parents insisted me but Aditya!! How can he do that? Why is he being so hard to me!!!

He hates me so much.

I wish everything gets normal like when we are in past. When we both were together , atleast as friends.

A big smile appeared on my face when I thought about those old good days.


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