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I'm mortified. Everything is backwards. I'm supposed to be giving Jonathan conditions, not the other way around. I'm the agent. I'm the one who's supposed to be in charge. I need a diversion.

I peel my tongue off the roof of my mouth and say, "Lindy," as I look away.

His jaw falls slack. "Jesus, that's not your name either!"

Jonathan's utter disgust makes him look as though he's just swallowed a grapefruit. I'm losing. There was a time when I found lying easy. It was only too simple to convince my family I was going off to college at sixteen on scholarship. Yet, here I am, caught red-handed in the simplest untruth.

"Gagh, I don't know my name anymore, okay?" I huff, dropping my face into my hands.

"Yes, you do."

I peek between my fingers, looking him square in the eyes. "If I tell you, do you promise to come to SEEK with me? And all I have to do is give you my name?"

He takes two fingers and crosses his chest, holding them up in the air. "Scouts honor. I've been honest with you, be honest with me."

He does look honest, that twinkle of genuine frankness in his eyes relaxing his lips as the corners curve gently upward.

"I am being honest. Lindy's who I am now. They call me Agent Thirty-Nine or Donavan."

"Wait. You're saying you've fooled Kistall? They don't even know you're not who you say you are? That's perfect!" An impressive smirk wrinkles his face as a rumble of laughter erupts from his gut.

I scowl. "My life is not a joke."

"No, no, of course it's not. I'm just seriously impressed. You are a clever girl," he says, laying a hand on my chilled arm.

Every hair follicle stands erect.

"Let's hear it then. What is this hideous name you've been hiding from your employers?"

I squirm, ringing my hands together under his gaze but remain silent, tongue too dry to speak.

"I can't call you Lindy. It doesn't feel like you. And I won't call you Donavan, because I don't believe in your cause. Give me your name, it can't hurt. I'm just a dead man fishing on borrowed time."

His golden arm shows the first tinge of pink around the edges of his t-shirt, he'll have a farmer's tan by morning. The river trickles softly in the background.

"This conversation is ridiculous. Are you coming with me or what?" I bite my lips, turning away from his teasing eyes.

"I told you, give me your name and I'll come." He leans in and our faces nearly touch.

"Keira," I profess, fighting the urge to flinch away from his closeness.

"Keira? Yep, that fits. Intriguing and brave. Keira."

A shiver rushes through me, my name sounding so different coming from him, and yet awesomely familiar. Tension melts from my shoulders as though massaged away by the lilt of his words.

"If you're taking me in, I suggest we go while you're still able to walk," Jonathan cuts in, interrupting my thoughts.

"You're persistent with this little fantasy. I'm fine. You can quit the charade now," I say, though the kick is gone from my voice.

"Of course you feel fine, now," he says. "But in a few hours, if you haven't made a bond, you won't be."

"Why do you keep saying that? I'm perfectly healthy. I'm a SEEK agent. The only thing I need to do is get you to my superiors."

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