The Name's Death and I'm the New Hades

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Wow, this day sucks! So let me explain to you what happened on this day that, well completely changed my life. My alarm clocked just started blaring away! On my ihome the song Scream by Avenged Sevenfold started instantly waking me up from my dream. It was such a good dream too, I was in a forest at night sitting around a small campfire eating my weight in marshmallows when some twig in the distance snapped and I went to turn to look at it and then the dream ended. I hopped out of my bed pulling my black bedding along with me. I staggered into my bathroom, stripping my self of my pjs. I turned the water to blaring hot and reclosed the door to let it heat up. I know its weird but I love my water super hot and it can never get hot enough for me. Minutes later steam started to poor in the bath room fogging up my large ornate mirror. I quickly opened the door making sure not to let any more water or steam escape my tiny sanctuary. I rinsed my body letting the heat relax my tense body. For some reason I was really antsy today like something important was going to happen at my school. Whatever! I just shook the thought away and grabbed my Darth Vador shampoo which smelled of evil and nerdiness. Don't blame me; everyone must have an embarrassing secret love! Mine just happens to be Star Wars! Besides, Anakin and Darth Vador were uber hot! I lathered it quickly into my hair not wanting to let anytime be wasted on this day. I heard last week that some new kids were coming to our school and I really needed to investigate. I then lathered in my Yoda conditioners letting it sit why I scrubbed my body raw with my light saber body scrub. I then quickly rinsed my hair of all suds and stepped out of my shower. I grabbed the nearest furry thing, and to my luck it wasn't my cat Fang, thank god that would have been awkward. I dried my hair and then moved on to my body quickly making sure the hair was perfect. I sighed in content when I noticed not a single hair was out of place. I then stepped out but not before turning on the fan letting the bathroom air out. I took a few steps and swiftly opened the closet door. I must admit I had a hell of a big closet walk in and everything. That's only because I was rich, my parents had adopted me when I was little and I apparently came with a hefty heap of money to show for it. I shook my head as if to rid the thoughts about adoption. Just saying the word in my head sent shivers up my bare spine. I stepped in scanning with quick speed to my shirts, picking one out that screamed "Back Off!" it was black and fitted but in red letters on the front it said "I Bite" in slim letters dripping blood. I laughed humorously at myself finding the shirt slightly humorous. I gracefully turned my back and looked through my pants. I found a pair of leather skinny jeans that where just perfect. They were black but didn't scream gouty. I quickly grabbed my converse that went to my knees and where pitch blacks even the laces and the rubber. I stepped out of my all black closet, hehehe; I bet you thought I was some prep before you saw my closet. I grabbed my pocket knife for just in case purposes and slipped out of the dark room. I slid down the silver banister and when I got to the end I gracefully jumped off landing on my feet easily, not even needing to regain my balance. I ran to the modern kitchen at the end of the hallway where I found my preppy sister and my 'rents. On the table where some eggs and bacon that the chef Richard had made. I wolfed those down in seconds flat and guzzled my OJ. I kissed my parents good bye and ran out of the room. I grabbed my tight leather jacket and keys. So now you are all probably guessing what kind of car this little rich kid has, ha! I don't really like cars; I am more of a motorcycle girl. I owned 4 motorcycles and they where all my babies. I can take apart the engine and then put it back together than it was even made. I pondered in my mind about what bike I should ride today. That was until a little voice in my head screamed SPORTSTER! I rolled my eyes at the little voice's excitement and made a quick few strides over to my bike, my sleek black bike that is. I mounted and pulled my helmet on, not wanting to get a wind blown floof in my hair. I rammed my car keys in the ignition revved the engine and I sped down the driveway. I loved the way the wind and leaves pattered at my helmet and the way the bike and speed made me feel immortal and alone. Just the way I liked it. At this thought I smirked and pulled into my space at the school parking lot. Of course being me I composed my face giving off a cold stare to any glances towards my way. I swiftly pulled off my black helmet and turned off my bike while dismounting it. I got the occasional wolf whist or hot from the boys who tried to fallow me but I sped off on my own. My black combat boots making a clopping sound as the pounded against the pavement and then when I broke through the stares making my way into school. I slid down a set of lockers and turned my ipod blasting it through the tiny headphones. I really didn't care about the others the lustful stares and those evil sneers from the other girls. I think its time to explain myself. My name is Death Scarlett De'Vil. I know its weird but that's the name I came with and my 'rents kept it that way. Everyone in the school called me Scarlett though or I got really angry. My hair was so black that it looked like it had blue and purple highlights like a raven's wings did. It flowed past my small shoulders in a river like way, wavy and smooth. My eyes were black, like jet black and not a dark brown. It was way weird. My skin made sour cream look dirty, and was completely flawless not a freckle anywhere to be seen. All the boys said I had a rockin' bod' and I was 5 ft 4 and wayed very little. I was tiny but really intimidating. My hips swayed when I walked and I never really minded how the boys followed me around like lost puppies. When I smiled, which was rare, it was a dazzling smile that melted your heart. Off in the distance I heard a faint ringing of the first bell. I stood to my feet pulled my headphones out of my ears whilst tucking it in my bag and I strode off to my first class which was Mythology 101. I really loved this class and I was a genius at it too, just like my other classes. I strode into the class taking my seat in the back row where no one else sat. I dropped my things to the ground and plopped on my seat in the middle of the row. Seconds later everyone pilled in gossiping and laughing at some dumb joke. The teacher called silence and everyone piped down that instant.

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