Kiss and Kill

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Soooo... not much to say here i guess... umm, this SHOULD be a long chapy, since it was about six pages in my word document, and lemme say, never have i written longer paragraphs. O.O lol, i hope you enjoy this certain chapter, and people, don't hate on Cole, hate on Lucia.



After a while of searching, I found Adela laying on the cold snow covered floor of the forest, looking quite peaceful actually. Her breathing was even, her chest rising up and down at a normal pace, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with her. The long black wings I'd seen on her disappeared, but her hair had stayed longer than it had been earlier. She kinda looks more like the girl I'd seen in her previous lives when I'd drunk from her blood.

She's the third person I've ever taken blood for, and the third who's mind and memories I'd looked through without having to work past her barriers. She had really strong ones though, despite her disguise as a human. I broke through it anyway, just with some blood.

I'm... gifted, as my dad calls it. He says that in a way, I'm like Vincent, the old Blue Flame. Apparently he too had many other powers besides just fire, but that was what drove the Corvinus and the Green Flame to killing him.

Killing... Adela had been thinking of it, of killing me. The Corvinus had in some way, raised her to kill vampires, to hunt them, and that's why she's a hunter, but I can see that she's slowly being thawed from that cold hearted state. And now she's actually capable of saying no.

I know it sounds weird that I'm talking as if I know her really well or something, and in a way, I do. Her blood now runs through my veins, since I'm still in a way human, so the vampiric blood in me doesn't overtake it, but allows it to reside within me for a while. And in a way, it gives me this strange connection with the originator, that I can actually feel what they feel; know what they know.

And this girl knows too much than she should in some areas, and then not enough in others. Like who she is. From what SHE'S remembered, she think's she's a shadow to some other angel, Lucia, the one my dad is so hell bent on killing. BUT, from what I saw, she's not that at all. That's why she's still alive. I don't know what she is myself though, because those memories haven't been discovered by her herself, so I don't really have a clear look on it.

And I should probably just stop being so focused on her and get her back to the dorm. I kneel down and carefully pick her up, making sure she's in the most comfortable position possible. Even as the wind pummels at us, she stays in that same peaceful state. And the weirder thing is, just as I exit the forest, a black barrier of mine against the wind covering us, she smiles. A genuine smile. You know, the kind you make when someone makes you really laugh, and it's just so hard to not smile? That's what I see on her face. I really didn't expect that from her.

And then the smile went away, just as suddenly as it had come, leaving only a small impression in my mind of how it had looked. I let out a sigh as I enter the dorm room, only to be faced with a whole bunch of other vampires, standing in the main hall waiting to be fed. Not good...

As soon as Adela's mouth watering scent hit their noses, they all turned to me, eyes flashing a lustful red. Oh my, this has gotten bad. Sighing, I count to three.




Each and everyone of them lunges for us, right as I place a protective barrier up, and, at a leisurely pace, walk through the angry torrent of blood thirsty vampires. Damn, I hate how they just ruined that small moment of peace between me and Adela, even though Adela's still asleep, and in peace. When I finally enter my room, I've probably been attacked by at least fifty, sixty vampires. Lemme say, they are ANNOYING!

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