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A/N so I've had a kinda bad night so I wrote :) duh. This SHORT story is written in 8 year old Molly POV :) its about the day my Pepe died. Ik sad but that's why my night was bad cause I was remembering this. So hope y'all enjoy it, and btw I don't remember most of the like facts and stuff cause it was five years ago so yeah. Enjoy my loves. <3


I had to see him one last time. I needed to tell him I love him before he goes.

I walked out to the car, my little hand grasping the door handle as if my life depended on it. My mother walked out of the house, a solemn look on her face. Something was wrong. I let my grip on the handle loosen and my arm fell to my side. Mom walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my small child shoulders. [*A/N don't actually remember the exact words but yeah*] "Pepe, Pepe has died Molly." her words sounded foreign in my mind. It wasn't true. She was playing some sick joke. I was supposed to go say goodbye. I had to say goodbye. I looked up at my mothers face, tears pooling over her eyes. She wasn't lying. Tears began to well up in my eyes as well. I wrapped my arms around her waist and sobbed into my mothers chest. It felt like eternity until I finally let go. " I want to see him." My voice was small like a mouse, unsure if I should had said that. My mother said nothing and proceeded to start the car engine.

We made it to my aunts house, where my Pepe had lived. We entered the house hesitantly. The air was dense, you could tell something was off in the house. My aunt met us at the door, and led us to Pepe Georges room. His body was a mixture of greens and blues. His hands lay folded on his rib age, limp and lifeless. His eyes were closed, I kept waiting for them to flash open and him to scream gotcha! But it never happened. I placed my small hand over his, his skin rippling under my touch. "Goodbye." a single tear ran down my cheek. We left his room and sat on the deck as the morgue people (don't know the name of their job..) wheeled my Pepe's lifeless body away. I peeked through the closed blinds as he was wheeled out of the house.

ML oct. 23, 2013


A\N I feel like this is to short to be on here alone. So I am going to quickly write a or a few short stor(ies)y about soccer cause my season just ended :( lol so yeah :) enjoy loves p.s. I will probably be using some real names and some non real names.


The familiar *tweet* of the referees whistle blew and the ball was in play. Chloe tapped the ball to Emilia and Emilia passed the ball back to Katherine who booted the ball up the center to Ashlyn. I smiled. I was home, back on the field.

*Earlier before the game*

It had been 2 years since I last played and I was itching for ball time. "Coach! I wanna play sweeper." My coach, Jacob, studied my face and simply pointed to a ball nearby. "defend against me. " he dribbled the ball, dropping fancies here and there, trying to fake me out. I watched his feet, avoiding looking at the ball. I followed each step of his, almost as if we were dancing. The rest of the team had began to gather around the 16 box. Henry faked left and shot right, I followed. I stepped in and slid the ball from his possession, dribbling it up the side before shooting it down the line. I looked at Henry, waiting for his reaction. Before he could say anything, refs blew the whistle and called captains. Hallie, Katherine, Abbey and I met the other captains at the center. "shake hands and introduce yourself." we introduced our selves and did the coin toss. We returned to our own teams and Henry was in the middle of giving out positions. "Katherine center mid, Hallie stopper, Chloe center striker, Emilia left striker, Abbey goalie and Addie as Sweeper." I inwardly smiled, happy to get to play. We did our cheer and ran out onto the field.


As quickly as the ball was tapped, it was on our side. Anninghams player was dribbling it up the left side and my left D wasn't there. I sprinted as fast as I could towards the girl and stood in front of the ball. My name was being called from the sidelines and from my team. I blocked out all the sideline noise and dribbled the ball up the empty side. I aired a pass off to Chloe and ran back to my position, earning a few praises on the way.

The game finished 5-0, us. We had won the first game of the season and we planned on keeping it that way for the rest. It felt good to play again. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can distract me from soccer anymore. With playing on three different teams, I needed all the focus I could get.


A/N okay so yeah that's that. And actually the score is made up lol cause we sucked this season and our record was 1 and 9 and we only won our last game... Awkward haha but I actually might like this to be a new story so I will put this up in a different story and it will make me happy :) yay okay bye loves.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2013 ⏰

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