Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The way my schoolwork is set up, I don't have time to update. School comes first anyhow , but anyways.

No ghost readers allowed !

No ghost readers allowed .

Dayiona's POV:


The officers walked out of the room and I just sat down thinking. if they really take Takari from me. I wouldn't know what to do.

A different officer walked in and I looked up. I was ready for whatever shit she was about to do.

She looked like she was on her early 40's. She was a African American woman and from the looks of it she was different from the other people.

Officer: hey Ms.Evans I'm Officer Young and I'm here to ask you some questions.

Me: can I call my lawyer and don't I get a phonecall ?

Officer: yes m'am , stand up.

She grabbed by my arm and led me into a room, which I've later know it to be the phone room. I dialed my dads number first. He answered on the first ring.

Dad: I already know, my lawyer Ms. Freeman is going to get you out of this trust me baby.

I started crying, I held the tears up for too long.

Dad: you gon be fine Dayiona

Me: dad .. they said I did drugs , they gon take Takari . THEY CANT HAVE MY BABY !!

Dad: they not getting her ,how many minutes you have left for a phonecall

I looked back at Officer young and she told me I had 15 minutes left.

Me: 15

Dad: call Takari

Me: okay, bye . I love you

Dad: I love you more *hangs up*

I dialed Kelsie's number and she answered on the third ring.

Kelsie: what happened Day ?

Me: Princess will tell you. Takari still with you ?

Kelsie: yeah , hold on.

Takari: womey !

Me: hey Phatty , I miss you

Takari started laughing at me.

T: you big baby

I smiled.

Me: I'm not a big baby . Im a big girl.

T: womey i go play. bye muah *hangs up *

I started to cry, the fact that I wasn't going to see my baby for a while is killing me. Or even the fact that they're trying to take her away.

Ra' Kelsie's POV :


I sat on the sofa watching Bad Girls Club , while the girls were in the room playing. I know y'all are wondering what's going on with me and Yellow. Well.. I kinda like him. We're not official and we never fucked or anything. I slept by him a couple times . I like being in his arms. The way he hug me, the way he kiss me, just being around him is just everything.

" Brooklyn and Takari y'all ready to eat ? " I asked the girls . I was spending more time at Yellow's house than at the house that I share with my mom.

Yellow: I wanna take y'all out somewhere .

Me: where ?

Yellow: anywhere you wanna go ?

Me: how bout the girls go by my mom. My mom wants to see Brooklyn , I talk about her allday. She want to meet you too. After you meet her we can go on a date.

Yellow smiled. We all got into Yellow's Benz and headed to my mom's house.

"We going by KeKe ? " Takari asked . My mom prefers her nieces, nephews , and her grandchild to call her KeKe. It makes her feel younger I'm guessing . Why did Jesus make my mama so crazy ? Why ?

Me: yeah Takari

When we pulled up to my mom's house the girls jumped out the car. Well damn.

Mom: hey babies ! I missed y'all . Takari girl when you gon grow ?

Takari: I is grow . I tall

Mom: you a smurf. Go inside though Ky in there y'all .

Me and Yellow walked towards her holding hands.

Yellow: hi Ms. Kelanda , I've heard all about you.

Me: hey mommy .

Mom: what you been saying about
me girl ? What you been saying
, let me know .

She started putting her hair in a ponytail and she threw her hands up.
Yellow was dying of laughter. Why me Jesus , why ?

I started laughing too, after all it was very funny how she was sitting her trying to be a thug.

Me: come on ma , you play too much.

Mom: do it look like I'm playing ?

I started laughing again.

Me: mommy let's go inside, it's freezing out here while you trying to be like tupac and shit.

She looked me up and down and led us into the house.

Robee, Shaylee, Trevon, and Princess was in the living room. Me and Yellow spoke to them, but I was curious . I want to know why everybody here.

Mom: I need to talk to all of y'all.

Robee : what's wrong ?

Trevon: moms you good ?

Mom: I've been diagnosed with cancer , they said I don't have much time to live . I met many people who've had it. the key to help it go away is happiness. My grandchild Kyren is my happiness, my children, my nieces and nephews are my happiness . My family is my happiness. I want more grandchildren to keep me busy, I won't be around forever with or without the cancer , so y'all should just help me out. We're wealthy enough to afford treatments , but I don't want to be miserable.

I bursted into tears. Everyone in the room was having different facial expressions.

Robee: I can't even cry, why type of person says make me grand-babies or Imma die ?

Everybody started laughing , I was trying not to , but I did anyways, My mama was a real bumb . She always made the mood better, unless her mood was bad, but even that would be funny.

I hugged my mama and cried in her arms. She hugged me, I was her babygirl, her only girl and I love her more than anything. My mama is my Bestfriend where she admits it or not.
Man ! Why me JESUS ? WHY ?

As I hugged her she didn't cry. My mama never showed a sense of weakness or I never saw her cry , only when my uncle died , other than that she never cries.

Me: I love you ma

Mom: I love you too , ... get off me girl , this my good shirt .

I smiled . Why would someone so lovable be so sick ? I don't quite understand . My head was hurting . I kept thinking about caskets and what my mama would wear in her casket and that made me cry . I couldn't block the thoughts out even if I wanted too . I just couldn't .

Shaylee: I'm not feeling to good. Robee could you bring me home please.

Shaylee was crying , but she was dressed like she was already sick. She didn't look like her self.

Me: you alright sis ?

Shaylee: Imma text you .

She gave me a reassuring look. I watched her grab her stuff, kiss my mom , and head out. I was itching for a text message.

Yellow: you alright ?

I started crying even more . I shook my head "no" .

Me: I can't lose her, she's my everything .

Mom: Ra'Kelsie I raised you to be a very strong and beautiful woman, you have to learn how to except that I'm not going to be here forever. Neither is everyone else. As long as you know I love you and you love me that's all that matters , okay ?

I nodded my head. I was trying to respect what she was saying , but damn . This woman has been in my life for almost 30 years, that's a very long time. I just don't want her to leave me. She's the only thing I know.
She's MY KeKe and that's all that matters.

Mom: let me dress you up so y'all can go on as date or something. Go take a shower, Imma pick out your clothes and so your hair.

I got up to do as she told me to do.

Dayiona's POV:


An officer walked me to a cell. I looked around the cell to see three other girls. I was trying to make the best out the situation remembering this is only jail, not prison.

??: Bitch you think you bad ?

??:That bitch finee

??: gimme some of that pussy

??: you going be my bitch

When the officers locked me in the cell with three other girls, the started mugging me. I looked at turned my head. I wasn't for it. I have other important things to be worried about.

I felt one punch in the back of my head. Then I felt another one . As soon as I was about to swing , the other girl held my arms. The kept hitting me all in my face. Something I actually cared about. My face meant something to me . It's been through so much. I refuse to just sit there and just let them take that from me . I was crying in the inside. On the outside I was shutting my eyes tight so the tears wouldn't fall. I was getting jumped by two big bitches and I had a dike bitch hold me down , so I could hit or move. Everytime I moved she kissed me. These jail bitches tripping.
Let me out of her somebody please. I won't make it. I can truthfully say that.

Ra'Kelsie's POV:

My mama picked out this yellow mid-thigh length Alexander Wang dress. The dress fit my body perfectly. She picked me out some blue Loubiton pumps . She curled my hair and I can't lie I look amazing . I walked downstairs to see Yellow. His eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of his head.

Shaylee's POV:


I sat on the bathroom counter crying my eyes out. I started at the stick in my hand again. I am pregnant & I am very scared. This can't be happening right now .

-Continued -

Dayiona's POV:


*The Next Day*

I won't lie , my face is fucked up. I have bruises and scratches. It's embarrassing because I'm light , so everyone can see.

I cried myself to sleep last night . That's all I could do. These jail bitches are fucking crazy , bitches wanna make name, but I'm not a pink ass bitch. I'm not scared to say that I got my ass beat yesterday , because it is what it is and at the end of the day these hoes don't wanna fight one on one.

At 8 o'clock they let us go into this room it's like 40 people per room . They have 4 TVs, people playing cards , vending machines, and phone call areas.

I quickly sat at a phone and dialed my dads number. He picked up on the second ring.

Dad: hello

Me: daddy I need you too get me out of here. Get me out !

Dad: Dayiona , I'm trying as hard as I can. Imma come down there today, with the lawyer . They might not let me come in but Imma get her to sneak you in some food in her bag. What you want ?

Me: KFC . 25 piece chicken. I want some macadamia nut cookies too.

Dad: we bout to come up there in a few minutes. I love you .

Me: love you too .

I hung up the phone, I was praying that he hurried up and got here. I want to see my dad. He's the only hope I have. I don't know anything about this lawyer, so I'm not sure .

When I hung up the phone I saw one of the girls that jumped me yesterday.

Her: bitch get up I need to use the phone .

Me: they got plenty more phones over there , use one of them ,

Her: bitch didn't I tell you -

??: aye aye aye. no bitch ! You not going be sitting in here talking to this girl like that . You don't run shit in here .

I looked up to see a pretty Columbian looking girl. I didn't say a word . The girl that jumped me just looked in shock.

" Oh this your bitch Gina? Man I ain't know " The girl said and she walked off.

Me: umm.. thank you .

Gina: no problem girl, these bitches feel as if they running shit . I don't like that shit.

Gina had a hard ass accent .

Me: where you from ?

Gina: New Orleans. my mama and daddy Columbian

Me: you have a cute accent

Gina: thank you girl. What you in here for ?

Me: attempted murder.

Gina: what happened ?

Me: my baby daddy's girlfriend made my daughter color around the house and all that and she made her daddy whip her. She made his two daughters jump her and she was treating my daughter like a fucking slave. That shit bad . Anyways I fought her and then I pulled out a knife and stabbed her like 50 times in her face . I mean , it is what it is.

Gina: that's one evil ass bitch. You a lil bad thing huh ?

I laughed .

Me: nope, I just don't play about my baby.

Gina: you right.

Me: why you in here ?

Gina: I beat this girl to death . and some other stuff. but they don't have evidence , so they gotta drop the charges eventually . I don't care if I do life or death honestly ,

Me: why ?

Gina: my four year old son got killed last year. my daughter was a newborn when I came in and they took her away from me , I'm pretty sure she don't remember me. Her grandma couldn't wait to take her , and she didn't want anything to do with me.

Me: damn , that's fucked up .

She shrugged as if everything she just said didn't matter. Her life was fucked all the way out.

Me: when you get out ?

Gina: my trail is in four weeks, until then I don't know.

Me: how long you been in here ?

Gina: almost two years.

Me: damn. it that long ?

Gina: yeah , they can take as long as they want . As long as you get a court date during the year they could always set it back. That's crazy right?
They just kept setting people back everytime .

Me: that's fucked up. You got in a fight over here yet ?

Gina nodded her head and shrugged.

Gina: I got in three fights, and I got jumped once and it turned into a gang fight. I don't waste my time fighting these bitches cause in court thy look at your behavior too.

Me: Damnn. You think Imma get off this charge ?

Gina : just have Faith. I know you thinking how could a heartless person like me say some shit like that but forreal .

I laughed .

Me: they trying to take my daughter away from me though .

Gina: see if your lawyer going let some detectives question your daughter .

Me: I'll have to think about that one , cause the way them officers was treating me , I don't trust nobody besides blood around my daughter .

Gina: yeah... just think about it girl .

Officer Harris came to the room . I didn't really know what she was doing , but I wasn't interested .

" Inmate 002341 your lawyer is here to see you. " I stood up and she placed handcuffs around my arms and walked downstairs.

When we got off the elevator I saw a pretty lady , who looked around 28 standing there waiting for me.

??: Hey Dayiona , I'm Ms. Freeman and I'm here to get you out.. I plan on having you out before this month is over with . It's not a threat it's not a promise , it's a guarantee.

A white officer was standing next to us and he lead us back to a big room , kinda like when they was questioning me .

Ms. Freeman: excuse me officer , my clients father is pursued and I suggest you bring him in, he's apart of this too , so I need you to get him sir. Thank you.

This was a bold ass lady, I will not lie to you , this lady is bold. She has balls , I really like her . I wonder how much my dad is paying her, she's a keeper.

A few minutes later my dad walked in. I couldn't hug him because of my handcuffs . I smiled when I saw him . He didn't smile back though . His face quickly turned into anger.

Me: I'll explain later dad just chill.

Ms. Freeman: officer take the handcuffs off of my client please. This is not the way to treat someone who is innocent . You ll never treat my client such a way, after you take the handcuffs off I need you to back up . I deserve 100 percent privacy with my clients . You pigs won't ruin this . At all . They don't call me bull for no reason.

He did as he was told and when he stepped our she started getting my side of the story . She also have me some chicken and my cookies, I needed this.

MF: okay, so me and a couple of my other lawyer friends were holding a conversation about this . I had them to ask questions that the people would ask you. For one, why would you fight Alexis. Okay, you beat her ass then what ? Why you just didn't send her to jail.

Me: send her to jail for what ? She never touched my daughter , so there's nothing we could do about it . Dre would go to jail for child abuse and I love him too much for that. I admit I was wrong , I didn't have to touch her. I put myself in this predicament.

MF: Why didn't you call the police ?

Me: what could they possibly do for me ? Nothing .

She questioned me a little while longer and we started working on the case.

Me: a inmate upstairs was telling me about letting detectives question my daughter . Is that a good thing or no ?

MF: it could be a good or bad thing, it depends on how they try to handle her. I want to be present when they question her , so I'll make sure everything is fine , maybe they could try tomorrow or the next day. I'll work something out.

Dad: what happened to your face ?

Me: I got jumped dad . I got jumped .

Robee's POV:


I walked into the bathroom to see Shaylee crying .

Me: what's wrong bae ?

She picked up a pregnancy test and started crying harder. I was happy, but I was confused. Why was she mad ?

Me: Bae why you mad ?

Shay: I already lost one child, I'm scared to be alone, Your hoe is pregnant with your baby. I feel like imma be by myself. You going have other stuff to worry about besides you fat ass pregnant girlfriend.

Ever since our unborn died nothing was the same. I hugged her and kissed her forehead.

Me: Imma always be here for you Shay baby , me and you forever. I love you , me , you , ky , and our unborn in this together baby. One big family .

We sat there hugging each other until my phone broke the silence.

Me: hello ?

??: It's time Rage it's time !

I looked up at Shay and she already knew. I kissed her once more and left.

I might be a daddy again.


•Day got jumped ?

• Auntie Ke sick ?

•Shay pregnant ?

•What y'all think about Gina ?

•Day lawyer a thug huh ?

•Shay is scared ?


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