Chapter 21 2/2

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Chapter 21 2/2

A/N: I plan on finishing this book by Thanksgiving .

Dayiona's POV:


I've been in here for two weeks . Today is my birthday and i'll be spending it in jail. My fucking 21st birthday in jail. I'm a grown ass woman now, even though I kinda was already grown. The good thing is visitation is today and next week is my trail. I can't wait to see my baby. I missed her , every night I cry thinking about her and them taking her away. Before the trail , my lawyer is going to take Takari to the detectives so they can interview her. My lawyer is to be present at all times.

" happy birthday bitch " Gina told me all happy and shit . I laughed and rolled my eyes.

Me: ain't nothing happy about it girl.

Gina: keep your head up girl . You got a life after this, I don't .

Candice's POV:


" Bye Riri , be good for your daddy , okay ? " I said as I hugged my baby and kissed her forehead.

"okay, love you mommy "

"Love you too " she ran inside of the house. Leaving me and her dad standing there.

"How you been ? " I asked starting a conversation.

"I've been real good, Derrion is about to be a big sister " he told me.

" Congratulations, I gotta get going though . See you later " I told him as I got into my car. The first place I headed was my mom's house.

I knocked on the door and it took her a while , but she answered . My mom looked like a different person. She was sick and I knew it.

Me: hey ma

Mom: Candice baby , what you doing here ?

Me: I wanted to come see you , how you been ?

Mom: dying

I felt my eyes water as she spoke. She wasn't the same happy person that I'm used to seeing.

Me: don't talk like that ma.

Mom: where my grand baby ? I miss her . She the only grandchild I have and y'all just moved away from me.

Me: she's with her dad , but mama Dayiona has a daughter , Derrion isn't the only one.

Mom: Dayiona don't want to talk to me anymore, I told her I needed money and she didn't give me a dime. I'm her damn mama and that's how she treat me ?

Me: mama you really hurt Day , and she's stubborn just like you so it's going to take time for her to forgive you, but that doesn't mean her child isn't your grandchild .

Mom: it's been five years and still she doesn't want to talk to me.

Me: it takes time. What's today mama ?

Mom: January 31st

Me: what's January 31st mama ?

Mom: I don't know . why ?

Me: today is Dayiona 's birthday. She turned twenty one .

Mom: that's why you came down ?

Me: no , I came to visit and support my little sister .

Mom: support her for what ?

Me: she's in jail. That's all you need to know . I gotta get going ma . I'll see you later.

Mom: bye baby , see you later. Bring Derrion over here to see me before you leave .

Me: I will mama

I got into my car and went to a chicken joint , so I could fill my stomach up. I missed ATL, but it doesn't have anything for me here. I couldn't do right while I was down here, so I'll rather stay in Texas.

I looked at the time and saw it was 5:30. Visitation starts at 6 and I'm growing very impatient. Dayiona gave me a number to call her dad, so we could all meet up at the same time.

I dialed the number and he answered in the fourth ring.


Me: hi, tho is Candice , umm Dayiona's sister . Did I call at the wrong time ?

Him: no, Candice . where you wanna meet up at ?

Me: we could meet up at Chicken Palace,it's like 10 minutes from the jail house.

Him: okay. Imma be over there in a few minutes.

Me: alright . *hangs up*

Robee's POV:


I walked into the hospital to visit Tina and Lil Man. I walked to the receptionist desk and asked what room Tina was in.

" Sir Tina Gonzales left this morning with her son Roland Johnson this morning around nine. She left a note for someone named Rage. She said he'll probably come around this time. Would you happen to be him ? " she asked me.

I nodded my head. He handed me a letter from Tina and I immediately read it.

Dear Rage,

I know you probably mad at me , but I'm not going to fuss with you. Roland is yours , but I'm not about to make you do anything you don't want to do, so bye. You won't have to worry about us anymore. "

I immediately felt rage all over my body, so she left with my son. MY Son , if I'm the dad , I deserve to be in his life. I need to find this bitch before she gets too far.

I punched the wall a few times and the police officers grabbed me roughly and I started fighting them. I started taking my anger out on the officers. I saw BLOOD as Rage filled through my body.Blood , everywhere. All I saw was red. People in the back was screaming , but I barely heard. I was worried about something else. which is RED.

Everything stopped when a officer pulled his mace out spraying my eyes, and another officer pulled out his taser , sending so many electrical bolts through out my body. I didn't scream , I didn't make a sound. I was so numb that I couldn't feel the pain. The police officers started putting me in handcuffs. Damn. My heart started to ache thinking about my girl , my son and my unborn. I put my hands on more than one officer and I know Shay wouldn't be happy about this. In fact she's going to be mad. The red that I was seeing was slowly fading .

Dayiona's POV:


" Inmate 002341 Dayiona Evans, your visitors are here" a guard told me and she placed me into handcuffs. They called about five more inmates and they handcuffed us all to one , then they lead us out to a different hall which lead to a elevator. I watched the guard as she pressed floor three . The closer we got the more my heart was beating. For some reason I was so nervous. They lead us into a long hallway and after what seemed like forever , we made it to a room. The room was split. We had a glass wall infront of us. I sat on the stool and waited for my family to come. The other elevator opened on the opposite side and my Phatty was the first person to run off. When I saw her I couldn't stop smiling, I wiped my eyes which now had tears rushing down. She picked up the phone and started running her little mouth.

Takari: Womey !!! Me miss you

Me: I missed you too baby . mommy missed you more than you'll ever know. What you been up too ?

I looked up at my my dad, Princess, and Candice. All of them had smiles on their faces. I smiled back at them and finished listening to my baby. I wish this glass wasn't right here, so I could hug and kiss her little face.

Takari: womey I know how to swing now. KeKe take me to da park and I swing high in da sky .

Me: forreal ? ohhmyygoshh you a big girl . you taking care of Niño ?

Niño is the dog she got for her birthday that stays at Auntie Kelanda's house.

Takari: yeah . I feed him a bottle. He not like doggy food womey. KeKe was mad at him cause he pee on her floor.

Me: Niño still small ?

Takari: yeah . Him very small.

Me: you saw your Daddy ?

Takari: yeah him take me and Demi to see Princess movie .

Me: you had fun ?

Takari: mhm . It was fun .

Me: you went by Chris ?

Takari: yeah he buy me soooooo many toys. I have lots and lots of toys womey .

I laughed at her. My daughter was beautiful and I loved that . Her personality reminds me of myself and Dre very much . That's just cute. She is one beautiful child inside and out.

Takari: womey what is this ? When you come home ?

Me: this is a very bad place. A place that you don't ever want to go . Now just know mommy loves you and I want you to be good , alright ?

Takari: okay .

Me: put my daddy on the phone.

Dad: hello

Me: wassup pops ? How is life ?

Dad: I should be asking you that player . You the one in ja-

Me: Takari doesn't know Dad.

Dad: anyways , how you been ?

Me: pretty good .

Dad: Happy 21st birthday love.

Me: thank you .

Dad: how does it feel to be grown ?

Me: I feel the same way I felt yesterday 😂.

We both laughed.

Dad: I really think you're going to be getting out next week. Takari is truly your child and she's truly my granddaughter . Her soft voice and her little smile and her braveness. She may be young but she's smart .

I smiled , I hope he's right.

Me: i just want to get out so I could give her everything .

Dad: trust me you will.

Me: put one of my sisters on the phone . love you pops.

Dad: I love you too baby .

Candice reached or the phone and sat down.

Candice : happy birthday Day !

Me: thank you

Candice: girl you looking all grown up and stuff. I missed seeing you and chilling with you .

Me: I miss that too . where's my RIRI ?

Candice : with Drake his girl pregnant too . RiRi bout to be a big sister.,

Me: wow. That's good . How you been girl ?

Candice: good. I have a nice job. I got my boyfriend and my baby , I feel like I have all that I need .

Me: I'm proud of you . You got your lil shit together .

Candice: girl I never knew your da knew me. I was so young I could t remember. I can't believe mama took us away from him. Speaking of her, I saw her today.

Me: put Princess on the phone, our time almost up. love you

Candice: love you too . See you later lil one.

Princess: Happy Birthday bitch !

Me: thank youu !

Princess: you're welcome . I gotchu for court though .

Me: meaning ?

Princess: I handled your lightweight . You don't gotta worry bout nothing . On the real sis you leaving , you not going be guilty or atleast you won't do time . You might be on house arrest or something but it's better than being here.

Me: you right. I'm so tired of this place.

Princess: I know the food nasty .

Me: girl it is . I'm getting skinnier . I barely eat .

She laughed at me .

Princess: it look like you got a lil slim .

I smiled .

The guard came in telling me I had one minute left.

Me: let me talk to my baby one more time . I love you bitch .

Princess: I love you more hoe

Takari: womey I want you to come home widd me .

Me: not yet baby .

She started crying and she hit the phone on the glass window . My dad picked her up and they got on the elevator.

My feeling was hurt . I can't wait until this week passes by.

Slim's POV:


" Slim do you love me ? " my girlfriend Marissa asked me.

" Yeah, why ? "

"I'm pregnant . "

"Okay ? "

"So you're not going to leave me ? "

"No. bae , I'm not "

She started crying . I couldn't be happy right now , because we lost a big game tonight and my head isn't in the right place.

" What's wrong ? " I asked her ?

" I wanted to be a professional cheerleader , my life is just going down the drain."

"Marissa chill, I gotchu baby. " I told her. I don't know how tho going work but I can't let her down.

I gave her a hug and kiss and I left out if her dorm. On my way to my room I bumped into Nique . I looked up at her and she was crying.

" What's wrong ? " I asked her .

"Nothing . "

" I know you what's wrong "

She shook her head nothing and kissed me .


• Dayiona spending her 21st birthday in jail ?

• Tina up and left

•Rage is going to go to jail ?

•Dayiona saw her family ?

•Takari misses her ?

•Slim is about to be a daddy ?

• him and Nique kissed ?

Giving shout-outs for long COMMENTS.





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