Chapter 8

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I knew this was Abraham's favorite song on the mixtape and seeing as how I was leaving for Paris in a couple days, I felt like I should do it. No one knew about the internship but my family, Aiko and Theo. We weren't together but we were pretty close. I haven't told AB because I'm afraid on how he'll react and if he comes to hate me it will only break my heart. Once I was finished I bowed and walked off stage towards Theo. I had a smile on my face but his showed other wise. As I got closer my smile slowly disappeared as confusion and worry spread across my face. "What's the matter?" He looked at me then behind me and scoffed. "If you love him that much Rai then what are we doing?" I looked a little hurt but pissed. I politely took my keys from him and walked out the door. I was over people always running over me. "Rai." I heard Theo call behind me. I stopped and turned to look at him. I was done with always crying. I was done letting people play over my feelings. I threw my hands up and sighed. "What Theo? Came to say more?" He shoved his hands in his pockets. Something he does when he's nervous. His shoulders dropped and he licked his lips before speaking. "Look. I see the way you look at him. I try my hardest to keep your attention. To be there for you and it never seems to be enough." I folded my arms. "I never asked you to Theo. All I ever asked of you was to work with me. Not try and replace AB. He has nothing to do with me and you. If anyone has the damn problem it's you." He stepped closer to me and I took a step back. " I'm sorry Rai." I shook my head. " I'm so tired of hearing that. Sorry seems to be the go to answer. That can't fix the guilt. He doesn't even know I'm leaving for Paris. You do! We've been best friends for 10 years and the last fight we had was me defending you! Someone I barely knew over someone I've known my whole life. He hurt me but at least he still calls me his best friend. I'm leaving Theo. I don't know when I'll be back. I know he's gonna hate me but don't make me hate myself even more for it." I turned away from him and began walking home. I needed to tell AB but I could feel my heart already breaking at his reaction.

I made it home. I had been ignoring all of Theo's calls. I just needed the time alone. I placed my phone on airplane mode and put it on charge. I stepped out of my heels in front of my closet and stripped out of my dress. I pulled my hair into a messy ball on top of my head and stepped into a warm shower. I stood in the water and thought about my history with AB and how badly our last argument ended. A month is the longest we have ever been apart and I felt like a piece of me was missing. I didn't realize I was crying until I stepped out of the shower and looked in my full body mirror. I wiped my face and pulled on a pair of grey girl boxer shorts with one of AB's white over sized sweaters and a pair grey footies. I took my hair out of the sloppy ponytail after I washed all the make up off my face. Just as I was about lay in my bed my doorbell went off. "Who is it?" I called out as I stepped closer to the door. "Abe." I sighed scratching my head.

Guess I have no choice but to get it over with now. I took a deep breath and opened the door. He was no longer dressed in his clothes from the party. He was wearing a teal and purple snapback,a white v-neck,grey sweat pants and a pair of grapes. "Hey Rai." He looked nervous and I thought it was cute. "Hey Abraham." He winced at hearing me call him that. He ran a hand down his face. "Can I come in?" I nodded and stepped aside for him to walk in. He stepped aside so I could close the door. I walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch, folding my legs under me. He sat on the other end of the couch and leaned his head back. "What's up?" I asked. I was more nervous to tell him about me leaving than I was about hearing why he was here. He chuckled nervously and sighed. Well here goes nothing.


We spoke at the same time, causing me to chuckle. "You go first." She said softly. I sighed. "I miss you Rai. I have never been away from you this long. When I went out of town for two days we talked. Not talking to you or seeing you everyday has been hell from me. I know I was wrong and acting childish and I admit that but I would rather have you mad at me for a day than have you mad at me forever and I feel like since your birthday is tomorrow, it's best we make up now." I looked over at her and she was looking away with her mouth covered and tears falling. "Wait RJ, why are you crying?" She sniffed and pulled her knees into her chest, burying her face in between them. " I'mmofinjdjs." I raised an eyebrow. "Say what?" She sat up and pushed her fire red hair out of her face. She looked broken and sad. I felt like I was the cause of it. "What is it RJ?" She sighed and sniffed again. "I said I'm moving Abe." I looked at her. "Where to? I told you this apartment was getting kind of cramped from all that shopping you be doing-" She shook her head. "To Paris." I stopped rambling as I felt my heart just snap in 2 and felt the remaining air leave my lungs. "Paris Raina?!" She jumped as I raised my voice. "What the hell Rai!? You let me go on about how I miss you and shit and your just gonna end up leaving me anyways!" She cried even harder. " I was going to tell you about the internship offer Abe but I was so pissed with you at the time I just accepted it without a second thought and as the day got closer the worse I started to feel and the more ways I tried to think of to tell you." I looked at her with tears in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. "You hated me so much that you wanted to leave Rai? Am I that bad of a best friend to you?" She shook her head.

"AB you have never been a bad best friend. I was just acting out of anger and hurt. I can't back out of it now. It's a paying internship and its apart of my degree to graduate. Had I known this I would've waited. I want to say sorry so bad but I know it would only fall on deaf ears and seem empty to you." I stood and scoffed. "How many people knew about this?" She looked down and sniffed again. "Everyone." I clinched my jaw. "Does Theo know?" She placed her hand in her hair and looked at me with no response. "Does. Theo. Know?" She sobbed nodded. I scoffed. "I can't believe you Rai. You told him. Before you told me. Your best friend of 10 years. I know I was being selfish with the whole Theo situation but you have reached an all time low. Happy Birthday RJ." I grabbed my keys and headed for the door. "AB." She wrapped her arms around me still crying. "I love you." she whispered softly but loud enough for me to hear. "I love you too Rai. Have a nice trip." I pulled her arms off me and walked out the door. I got in my car and headed home. I laid in bed with a bottle of Tequila. Running the whole conversation in my head. Only thing constantly ringing out in my head was the first thing she stated. " I'm moving." I sighed and ran a hand over my face. For the first time in my whole life or for as long as I can remember I felt lost. I was actually unsure if this was one of those times that me and Rai's relationship can survive or even come back from something this big. I admit. I'm in love with my best friend.

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