Never Leave You Chapter 13

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Never Leave You Chapter 13

Louis' Pov:

"Brooke!" "Brooke." "Brooke!" "Brooke." "Brooke!" "Brooke Allen Styles," We shouted. We walked along the dock of Fisherman's wharf. We passed many confused stares, stores, seagulls, boats, etcetera.

Harry's fist were clenched to the side of him as he walked ahead of us. "Lads," Zayn spoke once we stopped. Harry had his back turned towards us as he thought about things.

"Yes?" Liam said. "I'm a little worried. We snuck Louis out of the hospital and we are wondering the streets. I'm sure the doctors are searching for you right now. We are known for crying out loud. One thing out in the open, they would know," Zayn nervously spoke.

"Stay calm Zayn. Just act causal. I'm sure they think Louis is wondering around the hospital with us as we speak. We will be out of here before they know it or even catch us," Niall said. "Let us hope," Harry said.

His phone went off as we looked at him. His eyes caught mine as he frantically pulled out his phone and answer the call. He placed it on speaker.

"Harold Edward Styles! What is going on?" Anne's voice shouted over the phone. Harry's eyes went wide as he stuttered over his words. "Mum! Hi," he nervously chuckled.

"What is this sneaking Louis out of the hospital and Brooke is missing? I want the truth now," she yelled. "It's already out in the media?" I mouthed to Harry. He shrugged and nodded.

"Harold you better answer me now. Why aren't you boys on tour?" She demanded to know. "Mum please listen," Harry begged. "I'm listening," she said after a moment of silence.

"Thank you," Harry sighed. "Louis and I were out and he blacked out. That is why he was at the hospital. We snuck him out for a specific reason that I cannot say," he explained. "Now explain Brooke missing," she demanded.

"Something happened which caused her to leave us and go missing," Harry nervously said. He flinched as Anne yelled through the receiver. "She is what? Harold you better explain now why she left and her aware bouts is unknown . My little girl is missing," she yelled.

"Mum please listen. We are trying to find her now. We don't know where she could of gone. We are in San Francisco now. So far nothing. Only a phone call saying she doesn't want to talk to us anymore," he said. "I'm coming to you boys now," she said.

"No! You don't need to do this mum. We will find her. I promise you. I'm not giving up till we find her," he frantically said. We heard her sigh on the other end before saying, "Harold I swear if you don't fine Brooke. I will kick your arse next time I see you. Gemma and everyone is worried sick."

Harry gulped before vigorously nodding. "I promise you mum. We will find her," he said. "Don't think I won't forget this conversation. Please find my baby girl Harry. I can't loose her again," she cried on the other end.

You can hear her soft cries and sniffs. "I promise," he whispered as he looked down. "Ok," Anne croaked out. Harry hung up before any other words were exchanged.

We stood in silence as we looked down at Harry's phone. "My mum knows," he says. "Everyone knows I'm missing," I said. "Still no Brooke," Niall said.

"Come on lads. Think. Where would she go?" Liam says. "If she was anywhere near the coast. She would be at the beach. She would stay at the beach all day, every day. We checked the stores, the mall, the bridge which might I add I don't think she would be walking it knowing her, and the boardwalks. We can check the beach," Zayn said.

"That's it. Each place we visit, we are only spending one day then leave to the next destination. We spend too much time in one place," I said, "Tonight we are leaving to go to LA then to Hawaii then from there we head over to Alaska then over to Florida. We will go from there."

"We will be hitting the main, big places. Alaska and Hawaii isn't that big so that would be quick and easy. Florida and LA would be a bit challenging but we can manage," I said. "I agree. We do spend too much time in one place," Zayn says.

"Come on. Let's continue to search down at the beach," Harry says. We nod and start to jog down towards the crashing waves. People began to appear. They seemed to be gathered under the trees or out laying in the sun.

"Wait," I said as I stopped jogging which caused everyone else to do the same. "I have a better idea that I forgot all about," I said. "Well tell us," Zayn edged on.

"We split. It will be easier. There are some places we never checked out yet that I forgot all about. Harry and I will go check out Alcatraz island, Liam and Niall will go check out the area by the SF Giants stadium and the beach, and as for Zayn well do what Zayn does. Keep hidden as you are out. Go check out where the cable cars are located at that area," I ordered.

"Tonight we will be leaving so we better get started now," I said. Niall saluted before him and Liam took off running. Zayn gave my back a light pat with a small smile before running off in the other direction.

Then left Harry and I. "You know. You love Brooke in a way every girl wants to be loved," he sent me a smile. "I'm really proud of you Louis. I really am," he said. A smile formed on my lips.

I could tell he was always glad he had told me this. I would never forget that moment when he actually seen the adore and love I have for Brooke.

"Come on," he chuckled, "Let's continue to search for her." He began walking as I stayed back thinking of what he had said. A bigger smile had fell on my face. If I smiled even more it would probably fall off.

I jogged up to him and asked, "Why is it that she is so stubborn?" "Louis, I think we all know who would know her better. Think about it," he chuckled. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I thought who would know.

He guffaw and shook his head. "You Louis. Your the only one who knows her really well. So ask yourself this question. Why is she so stubborn?" He said. My eyes widen before furrowing them once again as I thought.

"Maybe she wait no, not that. Maybe she," I stopped as I really thought about it. "I honestly don't know. Maybe I don't know her as much as everyone says," I shrugged.

"Louis trust me. I will bet you a twenty if I were right. You know her better than me so think. Where would she go? And why is she so stubborn not to tell us?" He said. "Are you trying to hint me at something?" I asked.

He let out a loud laugh as he shook his head. "I really have no clue where she would be if you want me to be honest," he said. "But come on. Let's get on the next boat to Alcatraz," he nudged my shoulder before jogging to the entrance of the boat.

I slowly followed behind him as I went to go pay for our ticket. I reached in my back pocket for my wallet and handed the worker the money.

I followed down the metal railing where Harry awaited for me down by the boarding zone. We stood on a dock with a group of people as we waited for the boat.

"Do you see her waiting?" I asked with hope. Harry scanned the area before shaking his head. "Nothing," he said. I sighed as I said, "Maybe she will be on the island getting a tour of the old prison."

"We will see when we get there," he said. The boat soon arrived and we boarded the boat. Everyone followed. Behind us were a large group of people waiting to be board. We took our seats as we waited to set sail.

As time went on, we began to sail and soon we arrived at the island. People were getting on as we docked. It was an old asylum which was very fascinating. The first wall that was on the island had red writing on it.

There was the prison on the main hill. There was an old water tower, outdoor cells that was covered by grass, and an old car. "Wow," Harry gasped.

"I know. I feel like I'm in the Batman Arkham Asylum game that Liam showed us," I said. Harry chuckled and agreed. We walked off the two story boat and made our way to the gathered group of people.

A lady was talking to us about the island and it's history. She said that prisoners would try to swim off the island and to shore but could never get far. They would either be caught and be sentenced to death or be eaten my sharks.

We began walking up a small hill that led under a stone bridge. We saw the Warden's car that he used to drive in. We walked by where the out door prisoners would live and work at.

We made our way up another long hill till we reached the main prison block. A man was standing outside handing us a headset and a recorder. We took one and placed them on our heads.

We walked in and stood where it says start. I gave Harry a nod as we played the tape. It rolled quiet before someone began to talk. They introduced themselves and it happened to be one of the five dangerous prisoners that lived here.

He would tell us to continue to walk or tell us when to stop. He led us down the prison blocks and outside in the back where the prisoners would play basketball.

The man said through the tape that there were guard towers on every wall and that it was impossible to escape. If you were caught escaping you would automatically be sentenced to death. You can see the towers also and they looked small.

It led us back up and into another cell block then into the library. It talked about the many books that were in here and where people would come to hang out.

It led us back in the cell blocks and started telling a story how one of the prisoners almost escaped. It was a massacre.

It soon led us out side again and into where the warden's office was located at. We walked in the white empty building. It still had his desk and chair in the corner by the window.

It talked about the chiefs and who the warden was. After it led us outside and talked about the view of the San Francisco which you can see.

It looked amazing. The Golden Gate Bridge was in view and the tall skyscrapers. It was such an amazing view.

We walked back in and led us through the cafeteria. Soon it came to an end of the small tour. We returned our head sets and walked to where people were writing on the walls with sticky notes.

People were giving small notes for the people who have died or have used up their life sentence and made a good use for themselves.

Harry and I walked up and began to write a little note. It was just a short little thing. Soon we walked in a lift and made our way down. Once the doors opened, we walked out into a little gift shop.

They had many different things from utensils, to toy weapons, to t-shirts, etcetera. We decided to buy a t-shirt before leaving and head back to the boat.

As we walked, we made small talk here and there but nothing about Brooke came up just yet. We sat inside of a boat, once we had arrive, and waited to set sail again.

We decided to sit on the top section this time. The boat blew the horn and began to set sail. "Nothing," Harry said.

I shook my head as I let out a sigh. "Nothing. Not one trace of her," I said. "We are getting closer. I just know it," he said. "I can too," I said as I looked out on the ocean.

I hope.


"Ready to go lads?" I asked. People walked past us as they looked for their terminal. "Are we ready to board?" I asked, "Do we have our tickets?"

"Yes everything is with us," Zayn says. "Good. Now off to LA," I said. "I'm glad we aren't driving," Niall muttered as we board the plane.

We found some seats that were opened as we sat down across from each other in the rows. I sat next to Harry and Niall. Liam and Zayn sat across from us.

Before we knew it; we were buckled up and turning off our phones then we were up in the air.

Who knew by just turning off my phone, I had missed a call from some unknown number.

A/n: Sorry if it's late! I've been busy with school and this weekend I'm going to piano so I will try to update again! No school on Friday and I get out tomorrow at 12:50 because of parent conference! Anyways just a few questions. Who do you think called? Where is Brooke? Will she be in LA? What so you think will happen? Let me know in the comments!!

Check out some pictures of San Francisco and the lad's outfits on my polyvore!

Never Leave You (Sequel) | Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now