"Look alive, sunshine One-oh-nine in the sky But the pigs won't quit You're here with me: Doctor Death-Defy I'll be your surgeon, your proctor, your helicopter Pumpin' out the slaughter-matic sounds To keep you live A system failure for the masses Anti-matter for the master-plan Louder than God's revolver And twice as shiny This one's for all you rock and rollers All you crash queens and motor babies Listen up!"
TITLE : Mystified FAN FICTION : Avengers : Age Of Ultron FACE CLAIM : Rinko Kikuchi LOVE INTEREST : Pietro Maximoff
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PLOT : Jin Miyamoto has the strength of a thousand men. This makes her a valuable asset to HYDRAS schemes. Top it all of with an eccentric group of superheroes and two super siblings, and it's just absolute chaos.
"Want me to sweep you off your feet printsessa?"
"I'll probably be doing most of sweeping hot shot"
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PLAYLIST RECOMMENDATIONS : Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance • Big Love by Fleetwood Mac
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A/N: I have nothing to say
UPDATE #1 : okay so I added a lil something-something that I just thought of, you don't need to write it on the story I just think it's a fun introspective in the main characters psyche [copy pasted from chapter 70 because I'm editing backwards]