The Hunt for Hiccup Begins

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"Stoick she should of been back by now," Astrids concerned mother scanned the ocean or her daughter, hoping for a chance to spot her flying in.

"I thought that," Stoick placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "I'll tell the men going out to search for her too."

"I must search too," Astrids father walked up, "That's my baby out there!"

"I know how you feel," Stoick sighed. He prayed nothing terrible had happened to her. He replayed what Fishlegs told him. They were flying, Astrid suddenly took off before anybody could stop her, and then that storm. Why would she fly off by herself like that? Stoick wondered. He scanned the darkening sky. Whose idea was it to start a search party so late in the day? Stoick didn't remember. He made his way down to the docks where the men were preparing to leave. "Before you men leave," Stoick caught all of their attention with ease, "There is one more person I need you to look for. Astr-"

"Incoming Dragon Rider!" a watchman shouted.

"Is my Astrid!?" Astrids mother cried. She ran to where the watchman pointed. She looked up and her heart sank. It wasn't Astrid. Instead, it was an older woman on top of a dragon nobody on Berk had ever seen before. At least...if they were a Berkian.

"Amazing!" Kari stared up at the dragon, "A Stormcutter! I never thought that I'd see one."

"Do you know who is on it?" Stoick asked.

"Nope," Kari shook her head, "Sorry. Though...their mask looks like a dragon I've heard tales about."

The Stormcutter and its human hovered in the air, unsure if it was safe to land.

Stoick looked over this mysterious Dragon rider. Something seemed familiar. He stepped forward. "Who are you?" he asked.

The strange human looked around. And then with a tap of the foot the Stormcutter landed and the human slid off. The person backed up a bit. Stoick glanced around, a curious crowd had gathered.

"Back away," he ordered. Immediately the crowd thinned out and only a handful of people backed up. Stoick unknowingly edged closer and closer to the mysterious person. After a few moments of hesitation the Dragon Rider dropped their staff. Then, slowly, removed their mask. Every Berkian gasped, but none was more in shock than Stoick. "Valka?" he said her name as if it was a delicate piece of treasure. Valka herself might as well of been a treasure for Stoick couldn't tear his eyes from her.

Valka avoided eye contact. She wasn't sure on what her first words were to be. What could she say? After being gone for nearly twenty years. Valka never thought that she would willingly go back to Berk. She saw it from above. It was so different. There were dragons everywhere-that part wasn't very different. Yet instead of burning down houses and stealing food they laid around like a stuffed viking. Valka concluded that she was simply dreaming, that's all. After all...people were incapable of chan-

Valka was pulled from her thoughts when a big, warm hand turned her face away from the ground. It was Stoick. Before she could do anything he leaned in a slowly kissed her. She closed her eyes. And that right there told Valka that she wasn't dreaming. Despite having not kissed in nearly two decades, it felt all the same. All the moments spent with Stoick flooded back in an instant. And just as quickly as the feeling was gone. Valka opened her eyes and saw the happiest viking smile at her. Stoick immedietly pulled her into a hug. Valka welcomed it warmly.

Stoick released his long lost wife from his hug and stared lovingly into her eyes, "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

Valka failed to fight the tears, "There wasn't a day that went by where I didn't think of you." The two embraced again.


Forgetting about the search they were about to embark on everyone headed straight for the Great Hall. They wanted to know; how was Valka still alive? She explained how Cloudjumper brought her to the Dragon Sanctuary but didn't say anything else. She had more important things to talk about.

"It's so good to have you back," Stoick said for the tenth time.

"Yes," Valka gave small smile, "It feels weirs to be back."

Stoick noted her behavior, "What's wrong?"

Valka looked at Stoick in the eyes, "I came back from a reason. When I was out flying Cloudjumper and I were almost toppled by a gigantic beast. It was terrible. It was nasty, angry, and from the sounds of it...very hungry. And it's heading straight for Berk." The room gave a collected gasp.

"A gigantic beast?"


"You don't think..."

"Everybody calm down, " Stoick did his best to not freak out, "Do you know what this beast looked like?"

"Uh...not really," Valka tried to remember what little she saw of it, "All I do know is that it's presence made that Night Fury freak out."

"Nigh Fury!?" Stoic gasped. He grasped Valkas shoulders tightly, "Where? Where did you see one!?"

"I-Uh...Far from here," Valka was taken aback by Stoick sudden excitement, "Why do you care?"

Stoick released his grip on Valkas shoulders. He looked away, reluctant to tell her.


Stoick sighed, "Because...that was Hiccup."

"Hiccup!?" Valka was both shocked and confused, "Our son!?"

"Yes," Stoick looked at his wife, "He was...chased off the island five years ago...but now we know the truth about them. We've been trying to find bring him I can apologize."

"Apologize? For what?" Valka felt her heart break. She had stayed away for the betterment of her family..but it fell apart anyways.

"For being a terrible father," memories of that night flooded back to Stoick. The hurt look on Hiccups face..him flying away..."Even if he never calls this place home again, I at least want to correct what I've wronged."

Valka stood there, attempting to take it all in. She wanted to cry. While she was off playing "Dragon Hero" by rescuing dragons her family had basically died. "There was a man on the Nigh Furys back, "Valka informed, "But...he wasn't the only one on the dragons back."

"What?" Stoick as puzzled.

"Where was a girl. She had blonde hair and a spiky skirt," Valka explained.

"That's my daughter!" Astrids father cheered, "Oh thank Thor! I thought I lost my baby!"

"Do you remember which way they flew off?" Stoicks felt more determined than ever.

"I do," Valka said at the joy of Astrids parents, "But what about that beast?"

"Gobber, take the villagers and lead them to the caves. They'll be safe there, "Stoick ordered.

"Roger that Stoick, "Gobber started to leave but stopped, "Eh...but what are you going to do?"

"We are going to find my son," Stoick said confidently. A realization and plan formed in his head.

"We?" Valka didn't understand.

"You, me, Agnus, his Dragon Riders, and ours are going to get my son back...before that beast gets here," Stoick explained.

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