Max's bad day

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Max's P.O.V

I'm late for school so what I will tell you my flashback

OK so it started all in the morning I woke up with a headache. When I got downstairs scott ask me to set the table. I ignored him and went back to my room.Scott called again"Max come set the table now" Scott getting irritated. No I said.witch was a big mistake now he roared at me witch is a sing of him piss off
Then after breakfast we ran out the to school but I was an hour late for class

End of Flash back

I was walking to my first period but walked it to Luke getting beat

up by damon who by the way is a werewolf hunter. I ran up behind and I stared throwing punches over over over then he screamed and I yelled "Shut the fuck you prick and don't ever mess with my family again!!!", and five teachers pulled me away

from him. Then the principal showed up and yelled "what is going on here!" I was still death staring at Damon. Mr.Dunbar please follow me. he said. I ran to the office scared as fuck. So Mr Dunbar this is the third time this week I need to call you Guardian or parent what is the phone number. 604 321 9087 ok.

Scott's P.O.V
At home I was watching TV then the phone rang "Hello is this Scott Mccall"yes it is. Oh I need you to come to the school this instant please.ok I'm on my way.

At the school

When I get in the office I see max there with blood on this hand.

Oh Mr.Mccall ok so max here got into a fight with Damon agent and Max will be suspended for 3 weeks that will be all bye now.

I will update the rest tomorrow I have to go to a part bye😃

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