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This time the song is Ailee - Heaven! Another song that I love. <3 Every chapter there will be a random song that I love! <3

Anyways! On with story! <3

I am Gayoon

I wake up to a bright light blinding my vision. I lay lifeless for a couple more minutes before gathering my bearings. My eyes dart around the white room and I sigh when I notice it was the clinic. My hand twitches in reply to my hopeless actions of trying to move. But I couldn't due to the soreness of my body. I grimaced when the memories of the school day came back to me.

That was harder than her usual beatings..

My ears perked up at the sound of people talking just outside the room,

Is she okay?

Mhm. She is okay. Thank you for informing me about what was going on.

I have to go now. Make sure she is safe on her way home. Annyeong!

Ne, annyeong.

A male that sounded way too familiar but I couldn't make out who it was and the nurse. Who informed the nurse about me? I was confused since nearly everyone that knew me was in the crowd. Apart from... No it can't be that is just stupid. I whip my head to the door when I hear it click open and the beaming smile of the nurse comes into sight.

"Feeling better?" she asked. Not even once the smile fading from her face.

"I'm j-just sore. That is all." I force out. She goes to the other side of the bed and checks the tube befoe removing it.

"You can go home now. Rest and if you can't come to school tomorrow I will be the one to report to the head teacher. Okay?" She asked more like a command. "Come on now. I got a family to attend to, too y'know! I'll escort you." She wrapped a hand around my waist as stability. I flash her a weak smile in return and try my hardest not to let myself go on her. She limped me over to her pastel pink car and unwrapped her arm from my waist as she put me into the backseat since it was bigger. She also got in and started driving to my house. She knew where it was since this wasn't the first time it had happened. Before I knew it we were already at my humble apartment. She let me out and being the stubborn person I am, I insisted on getting to the door by myself; independently. She huffed and muttered a forced 'fine' under her breath and told me to take care of myself before she drove off my apartment complex. I turned on the heel of my foot and sighed,

Now.. How to start?

I tried to take a step and luckily caught my balance otherwise I would of stumbled to the floor. After a couple of minutes of stumbling and taking breaks, I made it to my front door. (Which was on the 4th floor and at the end of the corridor).

 Pressing my fingerprint onto the pad I stumble into my home; taking off my shoes in the process. I let my bag slip off my shoulder before letting my body collapse onto the couch. "Grandma?~" I shouted out; the past negative thoughts completely leaving my mind.

"I'm in the kitchen, my dear!" Grandma replied. I got up a little too fast and winced. Ignoring the soreness I make my way to the kitchen. A smile creeps up onto my face as I see my grandma peeling potatoes. "Welcome home!" Grandma says as she gives me a quick smile and returns to the peeling. 

"What should I cook today, Grandma?" I ask in a soft voice.

"Nu uh uh! I'm cooking today. You rest today, you always come back home looking worn out." The smile that was etched on my face turned into a pout as my eyes got watery but I tried my hardest to keep the tears from spilling.

"Grandma~ I'm fine!" I say in a whiny voice to cover my inner depression. I never told my grandma about what happened at school because I didn't want to make her worried. She was already getting ill and old so I didn't want to burden her further. 

"Come on rest. I have already started dinner." Grandma says and I know I couldn't beat her in one of our useless fights so I sigh and go up to my room and lye on my bed. I sigh once again as the painful memories come back to me. The mysterious voice that I had heard when I was in the clinic could only be linked to one person. But it was unlikely and I doubt that he would be the one who told the nurse. It was highly unlikely. It must of been someone I didn't know of. But now that I think nearly the whole school had gathered around the event. So it must of been him... 









But lets not get ahead of ourselves. Shall we?

Wahh!!~ I finally finished! Mianhae for taking too long chingus! Exo and Seventeen got me too indulged.

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<3   >.<      ^*^        ˚¬˚

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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