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Ponetom (pronounced pon.yet.oom) and Runalias built a new place for their fairy folk. Ponetom kept telling Runalias he didn't look so good. Runalias begged to differ 'I will be fine' he kept saying. Ponetom yelled 'no fairy has ever survived more than a day without their wings' 'Well there you have it then my good friend its been four days and I'm still here.' said Runalias.

That night the faires had a celebration of life. They feasted on berries and drank trebay ( juice made from the bark of the cane tree). The faires celebrated all night. That night Runalias remembered his fai. He wished that they were with him. Runalias went to sleep feeling lost. Feeling tired. Feeling defeated.

Ponetom woke up feeling happy he and his good friend Runalias built a new place for the faires to stay. He wanted to have breakfast with Runalias. He went towards his good friends home. He doesn't know why but he felt a sudden dread.

When he got there he knocked but no one answered that seemed strange then he banged still no answer. Ponetom kicked down the door his friend was still sleeping 'get up old man time to face the sunlight.' No answer he walked over to Runalias and turned him over his face was blue oh my Runalias old friend dance with the fairy gods.'

That day was a sad day for the faires Ponetom suggested that they call their new home Alias ( pronounced al.is) after Runalias. The other faires agreed.

Fairy's Doom Book 1(Completed (√ #theshiningstarawards2017Where stories live. Discover now