Friendly Face

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'Who are you?' Tevelsis screamed. Novack was sure he heard that and he was sure it was English. Hello? Hello? I'm Novack who are you? Where are you? My name is Telvelsis. It didn't click right away until they finally looked upon each other. They both yelled in unison.  You!!!!

Novack was so happy there was someone else to talk to. He was also grateful he wasn't going crazy. So the fluttering I heard was your wings he said. And your wings is what touched me. Novack started laughing.

'We are not alone Novack there's something in here I heard it groaning and speaking I couldn't hear or understand  what it said' Tevelsis said. Again Novack laughed 'that must have been me then he imitated himself. They both bust out laughing.

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